The Vanguard and the Antarctic Treaty
A region of 'mysteries,' debriefings, and marching orders.
There has been much talk about what on Earth is going on in Antarctica. I have personally not worried myself much with it, as I consider the area to be a region where desperate people, in this case the Elites, are desperately looking for information. That’s why they’re visiting, digging, and have a functional Neutrino Detector Lab in the area.
The narratives coming out of that region tend to change like underwear. That’s because none of them works in the long run, so they need to adjust. Much like the COVID jab that has proven to be both unsafe and ineffective, and now requires boosters every once so often.
So, let us dive to see what the big picture is down in bottom of our planet.
The Ancient Past of Antarctica
It has been said that the Antarctic continent once used to be free of ice. That much is true. No wise civilization would spend the time to dig through overwhelming masses of crystalized water to build structures only to have them re-buried.
So, let’s take things one step at a time so that we reach our sensible conclusions.
If we take a look at the Pinkerton Map of 1818 AD/CE, we will notice that there is no Antarctica present. That’s because, as it is claimed, Antarctica wasn’t discovered until 1820 AD/CE.
However, there is a second map, dated in 1531 AD/CE, known as the Oronteus Phinaeus Map, which shows Antarctica in a rather fine detail. If you notice, the map itself does not portray anything regarding ice.
In the middle of the Antarctic continent, you will read the Latin phrase:
“center inuenta ted nondu plene cognifa”
This translates to:
“the center was found but was not fully recognized”
So, “the center was found”? By whom? When? What an odd thing to say in a map during a time when Antarctica was still undiscovered, don’t you think?
There has been a theory by Charles Hapgood, something that mainstream science was quick to dismiss, who claimed that Antarctica was a subtropical world (which part is undeniable) and was violently pushed to its current location - to become icy - within a short period, said to be between 24 to 72 hours. That last part, along with his further theories was what was immediately dismissed. According to this approach, researchers believe that the Oronteus Phinaeus Map was based off of a much earlier depiction of the region. One that was created between 6,000 and 12,000 years ago.
We tend to be pushed back to that region of time again, no?
Other researchers go as far to become excited, thinking that Antarctica could be part of Atlantis. The short answer is no. For that land mass to be part of the lost continent, it would need to traverse a minimum of 40 degrees of latitude toward the south.
So, what on Earth are all the structures, pyramids, and buried ancient compounds we keep on hearing about?
The Origins of the Current State of Antarctica
In the article series on the Great War (Part One, Part Two), we analyzed where Atlantis approximately was, according to Plato’s and Plutarch’s descriptions, when it was destroyed and how it was destroyed. This took place approximately in 9,650 BC/BCE in a violent rupture of the Earth’s crust that brought the end of Hesiod’s Golden Age of humanity. So, this is one element to consider.
Something else I have not covered in detail here, which I soon will, is a second disaster, the year of which was verified by Constantine Koutrouvelis, a Brigadier General of the Hellenic Armed Forces’ Geographic Service.
The Cataclysm of Ogygus (ancient Ogygia is today known as Iceland) took place in 8,255 BC/BCE when a fragment of the destroyed planet Phaethon/Malek crashed into the Earth, causing a violent shift of the planet’s angle that ended the Silver Age of humanity, as also claimed by Hesiod. Here, we have the second element to consider.
If we look into Hapgood’s theory, the supposed ‘slide’ of Antarctica into the position it is today, and the sudden polar shift by approximately 7.5 degrees (claimed) did not happen at the same time, but with a 1,395 year difference. In short, it didn’t happen 12,000 years ago, but later.
Here is where we will break it down.
Many of us are aware of the period of the Younger Dryas, where temperatures suddenly plummeted abruptly by 10 degrees Celsius for a period a bit over 1,300 years and then rose suddenly around 12-13 degrees Celsius.
I would personally move the period of the Younger Dryas by 1,500 years closer. Not because it fits ‘my story’, but you will see how it plays with the recorded events and their verified timings. Below is the exact why.
In 9,650 BC/BCE, the rapid approach of the Moon essentially lifted and cracked the crust over Atlantis. After the Moon had passed, the crust slammed back down, causing a significant magma ripple, which created a cascade of volcanic eruptions of a claimed number of approximately 1,100 volcanoes.
We all know what happens if a super-volcano erupts. The atmosphere is covered with ash and smoke that will cover the atmosphere and blot out the Sun. A result of that is a significant drop in temperatures.
To bring a much smaller example for the above, consider this:
Scientists studied three historical explosive eruptions of different sizes in Indonesia--Tambora (1815), Krakatau (1883), and Agung (1963). They noted that decreases in surface temperatures after the eruptions were of similar magnitude (0.18-1.3 °C). - USGS.ORG
Now, think of hundreds of volcanoes. Do they qualify for a drop in temperature of around 10 degrees Celsius? I believe it is a modest number, but essentially, yes.
1,395 years later, we have a planetary fragment crush onto the Earth. Since it was observed by Ogygia, a northern island in the newly formed Atlantic Ocean, it is prudent to say that the fragment hit the water. Even the Ancient Hebrew associates the word Ogygus with Ocean.
If a massive asteroid hits the water, something that even mainstream science admits, one of the results is a major greenhouse effect and a net increase in temperature. Does this qualify for a massive increase in temperature we see at the end of the Younger Dryas? Absolutely.
Therefore, whether mainstream science likes it or not, it just confirmed the two major disasters that happened on our planet.
Thus, per the claimed ‘slide’ of the Antarctic continent:
The destruction of Atlantis was due to a massive gravitational increase from the Levan/Moon. The crack of the crust couldn’t have created the forces necessary to slide an entire continent away. Not by the claimed amount.
On the other hand, an impact from a fragment of a destroyed planet that is said to have tilted the Earth, is a more likely candidate. Such a strike is violent enough to cause tectonic shifts. This means that Antarctica was not the ice-covered region we are led to believe, but became so approximately 10,279 years ago.
Does this coincide with the claimed origins of the map that the Oronteus Phinaeus redesign was based on? It does.
Does this impact mean that Antarctica ‘slid’ on the magma at an angular distance of 7.5 degrees? Unlikely.
So, if the structures situated in Antarctica weren’t part of Atlantis, did aliens build them? Short answer, no.
So, who did?
The Structures of Antarctica
The Antarctic Treaty was signed in Washington DC on 1st of December 1959 by the twelve nations that had been active during the International Geophysical Year (Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Chile, France, Japan, New Zealand, Norway, South Africa, United Kingdom, United States and USSR). Ever since, the treaty expanded to include 56 nations. What is interesting is that China has lately been quite aggressive about its presence there.
Additionally, there are those who claim that the Treaty was extended for another 55 years. The Antarctica Treaty has no expiration date, just a possible provision for mining operations after 2048.
Notice the following:
“The 43rd Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting (ATCM) took place 14 to 24 June, 2021, in Paris, France. Two new resolutions and 23 new measures related to Tourism and Non-Governmental Activities in Antarctica, Antarctica Specially Protected Areas, and Historic Sites and Monuments were adopted.” - by the Nuclear Threat Initiative
Historic Sites and Monuments? If we are to take a good look at the language used here, Historic Sites and Monuments do not apply to organic life. Nor does it apply to rock or ice formations. Not unless it includes the word “Natural” ahead of it. Detail here is key.
Also, if you were to use NASA’s LIMA application to view portions of Antarctica, you’d probably have a better resolution with an MS-DOS game.
At this point, we have to delve into the obscure. But first…
Deciphering Olympus and Zeus
As we covered in the past, the word mythology or mito-logia was encoded knowledge, spoken in a way that it could be understood by the people of the specific era.
The reason I am re-mentioning this is the following:
In the mythological sense, the Ancient Hellenes/Greeks of the Pre-Socratic years, considered the world to be circular. However, they knew and proved that the Earth was round. They also supported the heliocentric model, as we have seen by Philolaus, a student of Pythagoras. His research took him even further, but we shall not cover this here.
Keep a note on the above. Mythologically, the world was ‘flat’, while scientifically, the Earth was round.
If we take a better look today, the Earth is round, but guess what exists on a planar surface: Our Solar System.
Let us also look into the deeper etymological origin of Olympus or Όλυμπος. This is a fusion of three words:
O = additive prefix (affects the words after it)
Λιμήν - means “Port” or “Womb”
Λάμπω - means “Emit light”
If we consider Hesiod’s Theogony, the all-encompassing “O” was the starting element of Ουρανός or the “all-encompassing” heaven/sky.
Thus, once we fuse the above words, we have O-Limin/O-Lambo > Olimbos > Olymbos > Olympus.
If we take into account that the Ancient Hellenes/Greeks considered Olympus to be above the clouds, the fusion itself translates to:
“The celestial star womb or port”
Notice that Hesiod never uses the word mount or mountain with Olympus. Thus, whenever a ‘judgement’ came from Olympus (in Hesiod’s “Work and Days”), it was something that came beyond our skies. When the name Zeus was used, that event was not natural.
With that deciphering out of the way, let us continue.
The End of the 2nd Solar War
After the gigantomachy of 9,650 BCE that ended up with the destruction of Atlantis, the Aegean, also referenced as Jovian fleet (fleet of Zeus), sought to end the battle of attrition and save the Earth from further damage. This era was the end of the Golden Age of humanity.
The Jovian forces were said to break into three segments.
The first segment was sent back to Earth to inspect the damage to the planet. Utilizing the ash and plume cover, the fleet portion entered through the Northern Pole entrance to the hollow Earth (I shall explain this later), to scan if the interior crust, under the magma layer, had sustained damage. As a precautionary measure, they left a Vanguard at the entrance to the North Pole and established a base deep below the exit of the Southern Pole, AKA Antarctica.
The second segment retreated to the secondary outpost of Uranus, past Saturn, and established monitoring and guard outposts, in case the Cronean/Saturnian traitors tried anything along with the Draconian high-council of 24+3 members (which YHWH commanded).
The third segment departed our solar system via its Southern Pole to seek reinforcements. What has been circulating among research groups is that this portion of the Jovian fleet was of the lightest and fastest ships, as it was suspected that the Draconian alliance would attempt a swift departure after it had completed strip mining operations for repairs.
The first reinforcements to arrive never entered our solar system. Instead, they guarded the entrance and the exit, until the main strike forces began to arrive.
The Hollow Earth
Yes, I did mention that, didn’t I?

The above are the real hollow Earth schematics. The ones used in a variety of videos to show or “debunk” the structure of our planet, happen to be the depictions of our hyper-solar system. It comes to show how much the YouTubers know about what it is they are posting.
To shed some context:
Our Universe is structured after the fractal mathematics model. The grander the scale, the higher the dimension of matter density (less dense), but both larger and smaller elements are near identical copies. A prime example is the similarity of our brain’s neurons and the structure of the galactic clusters. I referenced this in the article about our Cosmic Nature.
To keep things simple:
Our galaxy has a galactic sphere surrounding it of the 5th dimension of matter density. Our hyper-solar system has a solar sphere (larger than our heliosphere) of the 4th dimension of matter density. Our planet has the planetosphere of the 3rd dimension of matter density. That sphere is the crust we all live on. Below it, is an entire ecosystem that leads to a 2nd dimension, more dense barrier, down to the 1st dimension ultra-dense core system that is mainly responsible for our own magnetic field.
The above approach alters the explanations of the mainstream science, but it still maintains all the empirical knowledge of how our planet functions.
So, yes, our Earth - under the above fractal approach - is hollow. The Agartha, as you may have heard, is slightly different than what the occult texts describe. And no, it is not Shambala. That place is supposedly kilometers below the surface, while the inner surface of the hollow Earth begins approximately 2,000km below our surface.
Thus, even the story of Admiral Byrd entering through the North Pole entrance is far from accurate. His “leaked” diary has far too many inconsistencies. However, the Admiral’s story did have one part right. The entrance to the hollow Earth is from the North Pole, as all passages follow the exact direction of our planet’s magnetic field. This would make the South Pole an exit.
The exit… which brings us to the true purpose of the entire Antarctica operation.
The Vanguard and the Elite Assemblies
So, why are all the bases down in Antarctica instead of the Arctic region, which is the entrance to the hollow Earth?
There is really no solid place to build a base in the Arctic Circle as the ice there doesn’t offer much confidence for any lengthy endeavor. Antarctica, however, has solid ground under the tons of ice. Additionally, there are ancient buildings there that could offer clues on how to encrypt and decrypt messages to and from the fleet of the new ‘Dead Zone’ at the solar orbit level of Saturn.
The structures that the Antarctic Treaty members seek to unearth have been there for a very long time. Their function was mainly for power redistribution and long distance communications via Neutrino Tight Beams, equivalent to NASER beams, due to minimal interference from the Earth’s magnetic field. To offer context, NASER = Nanowave Amplification by Stimulation Emission of Radiation.
Think about this for a moment. There is already a Neutrino Detection Lab in Antarctica, with one of its key roles being to intercept and transmit NASER tight-beam communications.
Don’t believe me? Please, have a look below. This information comes from Eric Hecker, a whistleblower who has worked for two years in the said lab.
Take heed of what the guy is saying: “We have a fleet out there and we need to communicate with them.”
Discussions I had with military officers who are trying to get more information on the matter, told me that the name of that fleet is “Black Fleet.” The narrative is that this fleet is aimed to “fight against the Draconians.”
As soon as I heard that, I had to dismiss it outright. Our planet has been under an ever-expanding control matrix by the Draconian Alliance since the 6th Millennia BC/BCE, at the heart of the Bronze Age of humanity, where we eventually ‘nuked ourselves’ back to the Stone Age. There is absolutely no way they would allow us to build a fleet against them, especially when the technology comes from one of their subservient races known as the Vrill (known to the US as Grays, a supposedly dying race from the edge of the Orionis Arm of the Milky Way galaxy). They got screwed (excuse my language) by the Draconians, but that’s another story in itself.
So, no, the Black Fleet is not to be used against the Draconians. It is to be used against the coalition of human species, what I refer to as the Commonwealth (CW) that is currently in the solar orbit of Saturn.
“Humans?” you may ask.
Yes. Well, I guess it’s about time I told you that we are colonists. Especially the Pelasgian and the Dravidian races. There is also a history that refers to the Ethiopians or Black race, but I will not get into it at the moment.
Suddenly, we are not so alone in the Universe, are we?
So, where do the Elites fit in?
If you have reached this far into the articles of this SubStack, you are starting to suspect that the entire agenda that is plaguing our world nowadays is tightly connected to this entire pillar of events. No, I am not joking. There is a clear ‘End Game’ to this entire clown-show we are living under.
World leaders meet in Antarctica for two reasons:
To get a briefing of what is going on in the ‘Dead Zone’
Receive ‘marching orders’ as to what they should be doing with their global policies.
The bunkers the Elites are building are in no way just for civil unrest or the possibility of a nuclear world war. The Draconian Alliance still needs to extract Zirconium, Gold, and Crystals. Respectively, these are used for armor patching, energy conduction, and data storage. They have already mined the asteroid belt that was once Phaethon/Malek for Titanium, which is the main armor component for their war-planets, which happen to be miniature Dyson spheres that appear as natural objects.
The Commonwealth attack fleet is composed of similar war-planets as well. The information I have is that the balance between the two fleets is:
Draconian Fleet - 118 War Planets in the 3rd Dimension of matter density, plus two Flagships (Levan & Lilith), both in the visible spectrum
Commonwealth Fleet - 340 War Planets in the 3rd Dimension of matter density, plus 620 War Planets in multiple dimensions, up to the 9th.

The Purpose of the ‘Earth-bound’ Antarctica Bases
As far as the real reason behind the installations in Antarctica goes, beyond the cover story is the following:
Primary purpose is to monitor the region in case the interior CW of the South Pole forces break through en mass.
The secondary purpose is to intercept any direct Neutrino beam messages that may go back and forth between the CW bases at the South Pole tunnel exit and the Saturn fleet.
Meanwhile, additional excavations are taking place to seek the actual tunnel that will expose the CW forces, since the entire Antarctica continent has shifted slightly due to the catastrophe of Ogygus in 8,255 BC/BCE, which has ‘collapsed’ the initial tunnels.
Yes, there are aliens down there, also referred to as ‘visitors’ who feed technology to our governments and our Elites. This is not to help us as humanity, but to provide us with the capability to fight against the CW under a false narrative. This is where the infamous Project Blue Beam will come into place.
Speaking of narrative, all our governments and our Elites do not have the full picture and are being manipulated. There is no scenario in the Draconian ‘End Game’ where we survive as humanity. They have done this before.
They don’t care about us. Earth is a prisoner of war and therefore, collateral.
And no, there is no ‘breakaway civilization’ of Nazis that command the Western World. This is simply absurd.
However, this is something I will have to breakdown in another article.
Something to keep in mind
As far as my information goes, the CW fleet has sent directed beam transmissions to HRG explaining that they will only utilize technological targeted beams for communications so that their briefs are not intercepted by bad actors. This is one of the purposes of the Neutrino Lab down in Antarctica.
Radio and psychic/telepathic broadcasts are easily intercepted and are mainly used by Saturnian and Draconian actors. Thus, when you have lucid dreams or any peculiar visions, you know where they come from.
Now, your picture is starting to form up on the ET narrative.
I could never understand why would self proclaimed Elites serve Drakonians. For delusional power, money etc.? They might have been promised escape when all goes down, but could they be so stupid to believe it? It is obvious that Drakonians see humans just as cattle and nothing more. What could be worth that much to sell yourself, your planet and your people? 🤔🧐