I have been keeping this article in my archive for a while. In fact, I am glad I did as I took the research a tad bit deeper. In past articles, I mentioned that I came across clandestine groups that unleashed a public information warfare with each other. One on the occult side, one outside of it.
What I have not mentioned is that, around that time, I was working at an institution for historical research and preservation for a total of more than 5 years. I met and discussed matters with several architects, archaeologists, and historians. It was through them that I discovered an orchestrated campaign by Jewish interests to usurp anything and everything Hellenic. Those poor people had to give battles in every convention of history they attended.
Additionally, aspects of that institution were adamant to empower the religious doctrine, despite the actual historical records. It was this entire debate that eventually landed me on my first ‘red pill’ approximately 2 years later. Not some Internet sensation.
Given that I grew up in a family of teachers, professors, scientists, engineers, many of whom were history buffs, I ended up in a similar category, from the perspective of positive sciences. Theoretical and applied. This is why and how I got to combine both elements in my articles. Spirituality from the scope of reason.
The Concept of Dualism
This has existed alongside humanity since anyone can remember. Positive-negative, male-female, light-dark, left-right, up-down… the list goes on and on. Eventually, we were introduced to the ‘eternal battle’ between good and evil. That last part did not exist alongside the rest. It was manufactured later on.
Socrates, via Plato, and Aristotle spoke of an era where people did not require laws to do the right thing. This was the universal concept of Ethos. You are familiar with this Hellenic word as it exists in the English language today, hence ‘ethical’. The scholar and researcher, Dimitrios Lambrou, founder and publisher of the historical and scientific magazine called “Davlos” (the “Torch” of knowledge) started with a very powerful and difficult to read book in 1981. Its title is “Αναζήτηση - Δοκίμιο Ελληνικής Ιδεολογίας.” Translation: “The Quest - An Essay of Hellenic Ideology.”
Anyone who can read Hellenic/Greek, it is a book I highly recommend. Since it has been out of circulation, you can find its digital version for free in this link. You will find subjects from truth to freedom as well as dualistic encounters of Hellenism versus Dogmatism, and yes, Hellenism versus Zionism.
A general outcome of all the above is the following:
The essence and balance of human behavior is the existence within the ‘confines’ of Freedom and Respect.
The term used in Lambrou’s book is “Απόλυτη Ελευθέρωσις”, which translates to “Absolute Freedom.” The limiting factor of this concept not becoming abusive to others, is “Σέβας” or “Σεβασμός” which translates to “Respect.” The moment we respect our fellow human being or element of nature, we commit no action that would cause harm to that person or that element, whether it is flora or fauna. Thus, there is no crime.
Now, you understand why there was no need for laws in the most ancient of times. Long before our mainstream antiquity.
Dualism in Doctrines
Much, if not all, of the occult these days is based on the so-called Hermetica, also known as the teachings of Hermes Trismegistus. Throughout time, both the works of Hermes, as well as the Hymns of Orpheus - which came long prior - have been distorted and mistranslated (we’ve encountered this element in a few articles on this SubStack) to serve the specific purposes of this occult.
To offer some insight, Hermes Trismegistus was a Hellenic figure who lived in the Hellenic Egypt around the 3rd millennia BC/BCE. Long before the Hyksos and the Elamites (the people who later “became” the Jews) had invaded the land and applied their tyrannical rule over the people.
During his own ‘reign’ around the beginning to the middle of the 2nd millennia BC/BCE, the leader of the Hyksos, their Habra-Khan (AKA Abraham) received much of the teachings of Hermes Trismegistus, especially the roles of dualisms and the story of “Ποιμάνδρης” or “The Shepherd of Men.” It is doubtful he performed these tasks alone, but he rather became the recipient of this information by his advisors. The knowledge of a man, Hermes, who was deified by the Egyptians as Thoth, the deity of alchemy, astrology, and scriptures, enticed Abraham. Note that Thoth/Hermes, was also the “scribe of the gods” in the Hellenic Pantheon.
Edit, March 19, 2024:
After going through the etymological dictionary of the Ancient Hellenic language, there is a subtle, but very distinct property in the name of Ποιμάνδρης. It originates from two words, Ποιμένας and Άνδρας. If the first synthetic is isolated, it means Shepherd, which negates all intellect and independent thought of the ‘Men’ he ‘herds.’
However, if Ποιμένας is followed by or combined with the word Άνδρας (man), then its meaning changes to Leader/Commander. This subtle change grants the people that a led (not herded) as intelligent and independent individuals, not sheep.
Yet another intentional misinterpretation of ancient texts to promote our slavery.
Was it possible that Abraham sought something similar as to be considered a deity? Or his people to be considered deities? It is very likely, as his entire people arrived there as Hyksos, mainly, and left as Yundai/Ιουδαίοι/Jews.
During a discussion I had with a university professor of history, back in 2003, something he said stayed with me:
“The Jewish priests would accumulate the knowledge of the cultures they resided in, alter it, and then invent stories around it to construct their doctrine.”
It is no secret that the early Church would gather knowledge, legends, and traditions of pagan religions in order to construct a more convincing version of their doctrine that would apply to those people. It is why we have so many different versions of organized religion nowadays.
Back to Abraham, the base concept he mostly focused on was the dualistic concept of “fear versus courage” of the Hermetic teachings. He knew that fear was the best way to keep his people obedient and in check as a way to continue his rule over Egypt.
When the Egyptians rebelled against their oppressors, the Hyksos and the Elamites were expelled from the region, which the Bible describes as the “Exodus.” The religious version I dare say was a fairy tale and far from the truth itself. As his people left Egypt in discord and disarray, this is where Abraham’s approach came in handy for Moses and his advisors. The dualism of good vs evil.

Since Hermes/Thoth was Abraham’s initial guide to establish his dominion as a representative of “God”, he had to find the dualistic opposite. Something that his people could embed in their conscious, since they became aware of the Egyptian culture. Something that would inspire enough fear to force his people to flock around him. And what better Egyptian deity than Set/Seth, the trickster deity of storms, disorder, and warfare. A deity that was later ‘identified’ as one of pure ‘evil.’
Let’s think linguistics here. The word in Hebrew for “I am” is “Ani.” Thus, the “I am evil” would become “Ani Set”. You can clearly see how this later became the word Set-Ani, or Setan or Satan.
The doctrine of an ‘evil’ adversary became deeply rooted later on, however, the concepts and initial practice originated from the time of the - later known as - Jews in Egypt, as usurpers and rulers, not slaves.
If you think about it, the entire oral tradition of the Jews started around the beginning of the 2nd millennia BC/BCE (around the 1,900s BC/BCE), which was the approximate time of their arrival (again, as Hyksos and Elamites) in North Africa.
Deconstructing the Ancient Beliefs
This approach worked well within the confines of Abraham’s “new” Yudai (Judai) people. We broke down the Judai word as firstly originating from the Sinese/Chinese Yun-Dei/Yun-Dai, which means “god of the clouds” or “god above the clouds.” However, this new adversary would not last long, something we see happening later on with conservative Judaism, which rejected Satan as he was described in the Talmud as the “yetzer hara” - the congenital inclination to do evil, and referred to Satan as ‘an agent of God’ (!).
At the time, however, this new adversary would serve Abraham and his descending Priest Orders well, if they were to continue their path of conquest. An evil force, or an - at the time - Hegelian Dialectic would serve well to quell any native rebellions that would expel the Jews from the lands they sought. Babylon and Assyria had already become a lesson. Little did Abraham suspect that his people would be expelled from Egypt as well.
Thus, the prime goal, aside from spreading a new and customized version of their own religion, fit for the rest of the world, the Priests/Rabbis had to first create a construct that would pull the populations into the mental slavery of organized religion.
The Defacing of the Universe
The pre-ancient Hellenes, including the Pelasgians and the Dravidians believed in the cosmic origins of humanity and described the Universe as a conscious organism. Omniscient, omnipresent and omnipotent. They would define nature as a part of this cosmos as well. They would call that entity “Παν/Pan” or “All”. This word later became “Σύμπαν” or “Sympan/Symban” which translates “The Sum of All.”
Here is where mythology served the perfect vessel for this purpose.
After the last Cataclysm of Deucalion and Pyrrha in 3,615 BC/BCE, past knowledge became even more scarce with every new generation. Mythology, as an oral transfer of past traditions and encoded knowledge in language people would understand, still maintained the reference to the Pan or All. We see this in the works of Hermes Trismegistus as well.
However, mythology had an abundance of abnormal-looking creatures, a species of which were the Satyrs. Half-men half-goats. One of the lesser gods of Hellenic/Greek mythology was Pan, the original Satyr whose voice would terrify even the Titans, hence the word “Πανικός” or “Panic.” This character became the perfect face for the new adversary of the teachings of the Abrahamic “God” for two reasons:
Pan was a non-ordinary being, who would inspire fear,
Pan was attributed, by the Priest Orders, the same name as the Universe.
Thus, the face of this new adversary, Satan, was born. However, he “needed” a symbol as well.
As we are rediscovering elements of our long-lost knowledge and science, the Universe appears to have an overall shape. A dodecahedron.
Notice that each side of the dodecahedron is a pentagon, where its peaks are connected in a peripheral way. Simply erase the outline and cross-connect the vertices. What do we get? The Pentagram. Circle it, place the deformed head of Pan on top and we get the outlook of Satan.

Note: In terms of symbolism, a closed circle represents captivity or slavery. It is a symbol for control often applied in modern logotypes or logos (shapes) of major companies.
Insidious, is it not?
However, it does not end there. Let us do a temporal leap closer to our present.
The Defacing of the Western World
Lady Liberty. How many of us have heard the theory that the statue of Lady Liberty represents Lucifer, yet another name for Satan? Some, perhaps.
About three years ago, History Channel ran a documentary to “decode” the symbolisms around the statue itself. Eventually, despite all they supposedly uncovered, much of which have a true and occult purpose, they accepted the answer of a theologian, who said that:
“Lady Liberty is the representation of the ancient pagan goddess ‘Libertas’ and that the word ‘Lucifer’ was used with its true meaning, as the ‘light bringer.’”
Both the conspiratorial side and the theologian were right. However, there is a third view on the statue itself. Below, you will see the ancient designs that depict the light bringer deity of Apollo.

Notice that all depictions have the 7-rays of the Sun around his head. Now, compare it to the head of Lady Liberty.
Also, notice the facial structure similarities to the ancient deity of Athena (below).
Could it be that the sculptor Frédéric-Auguste Bartholdi wanted to pass on the message of the deity Apollo, who was famous in antiquity for being a light bearer with the similarities of Athena (the Romans called her Dianna) as the representative of wisdom and purity? Note that Athena was also a military General.
So, what is with all the symbolisms around the Statue of Liberty?
It is no secret that the religious occult, especially originating from the East, have been trying to name the United States as the “New Babylon.” I believe it is one of the reasons the country still maintains the Imperial Measuring System, so that some of those occult numbers still have meaning. Like the 7 rays, the division of the statue’s height by 7, the numerology that always reaches the number 7. We see it in other numerological claims among the celestial objects.
If you have ever laid eyes on the Kybalion, the occult approach of the teachings of Hermes Trismegistus, it speaks of “the 7 planes.” Thus, in the occult, this makes sense.
What is even more interesting, is that John’s Book of Revelations depicts Apollo as the leader of the demons. Could it be they are preparing us for some form of ominous “revelation” here? They could be.
I personally believe those symbolisms and associations were placed around the statue for reasons we may find out later.
So, why go into all this trouble to create this form of dualism? Fear, naturally. It is the feeling that renders the masses compliant. We have seen this.
Conservative Judaism considers Satan to be an agent of God. Higher degrees of masons believe Lucifer to be the “true God.”
To this point, it is worthwhile to mention that ancient Rabbis expanded on this principles of an adversary of God, when they decided to make Judaism a global religion, one that would exist beyond the confines of what they called Judea. Hence the Satan approach became the norm, but for the offsprings of Judaism, such as Christianity and Islam. To the actual Rabbis, however, Satan and God are one and the same.
Thus, the birth of “evil” took place. Prior to that, it was ethos and non-ethos. Presence and absence of a value. Health and non-health AKA sickness. These were two of the fundamental differences of the non-occult approach of those times. Of course, there were dualistic examples that had a scale in-between, but there were also the black-and-white axioms. That last part is not included in the occult version AKA the distortions of the original works.
This creates a form of “mental fog” in the minds of people who choose to engage in the occult, because they are taught that the boundaries of polar opposites are blurred. Ever since, groups like the ‘elites’ are doing ‘evil’ things believing they are ‘good’ as they consider the dualism good-evil to be of the same core.
When the true time of ‘judgment’ comes, not the forced religious one, they will not answer on the ‘good-evil’ dualism, but the black-and-white of:
“Did you act against the cosmic balance of the Universe? Yes or no?”
The destruction they cause is a clear ‘Yes.’ And for every ‘yes,’ their penalty will grow 10-fold from whatever any good deeds may bring. Yes, the weight and consequence of sick deeds to healthy deeds, bears a 10:1 ratio. For example, destroy one life and one must save the lives of ten people. I guess the original Jews knew something when Yodh, the near synonym of the first synthetic of their initial name, became the 10th letter of their alphabet. Or that Moses came down with two plaques (dualism) carrying the 10 commandments.
Note: The story of commandments in plaques is something King Minos would receive from Zeus at repeated intervals, but that is another story.
Thus, it would appear that this entire concept was created and nurtured by a small group of people for the purposes of divide and conquer, with their organized Priest Orders and religions to be the sole ambassadors or arbiters of ‘truth.’
This is why it is becoming increasingly “illegal” to criticize “God’s chosen ones.”