Our Hyper-Solar System
When we look through the cracks of the agencies' narratives, there is a whole new and fascinating cosmos out there. One we are very much connected to.
(Note: This article is rather large, so its email version will be truncated)
This article is long overdue. In truth, it is a ‘thank you’ to the universe. Not long ago, I underwent a significant turmoil and I did turn to our cosmos for aid. Not for myself, but for a loved one. It was honest, it was emotional. It was about receiving a modicum of help to keep on fighting for our cosmos, for our world. Yes, I prayed to the universe and it answered within a few hours, turning literally everything around.
This is, in fact, how our cosmos works. Prayer does work, and despite what many think, it is the universe’s fields that receive the energy vibrations that we send out. As long as your prayer is not drained by a third party, it always ends up within our cosmos. Thus, it matters not to whom you address it, it is always the universe the one who answers.
So, this is my tribute to the magnificent organism to whom we are connected, to whom we are part of. The conscious, soulful, Universal Organism.
The Current Narratives
The various space agencies have controlled the narrative of space for some time now. It is not because of the organizations per se, but because of those who wish to control them. As with everything, it is a spectrum of shades of gray, not black and white. And when the controlled educational institutes direct the scientists towards a certain path, it becomes harder for them to see outside the box.
The Singular Solar System
This is the mainstream narrative, where systems only include one star and a variety of planets. Some include more, some include less. It is a heliocentric system that focuses on the acquisition of data that correlate to what we can easily detect: matter and visual energy, AKA light or light deflections/reflections.
On a similar manner, the planets are seen as singular objects with a singular ultra-dense core. There is some truth to it, in regards to the density of the cores, but they are not singular.
Beyond that, there is much filtering going on with the data we receive in the public sphere. Those are heavily controlled for many reasons we have developed throughout the articles here on this SubStack.
If those agencies were properly allowed to research and think outside the box, we would have a much better understanding and a view of our universe.
The Flat Earth
This is a clear PsyOp or psychological operation. Utilizing the excuse that the agencies are not telling us the truth, it tries to fill a void and disorient those who wish to find out what is really happening.
The entire theory is based on taking texts from either the Bible or other old traditions literally, when they are meant to be taken metaphorically. During the ancient times, the word for ‘world’ was not confined to our planet, but to our solar system. And yes, that one is flat.
In Hellenic, the word for sky is the planet Uranus. And during that time, that was a barrier or a ‘dead zone’ between two major opposing factions. Hence, the Bible ‘translated’ this as ‘the firmament.’ Nothing to do with a physical barrier. That barrier tightened during the second half of the 20th century, but we will not repeat this part here, as it is properly developed here.
You can read my analysis on the Flat Earth here.
The Hyper-Solar System
The references to our Hyper-Solar System are spread throughout our planet, throughout history. The infamous symbol of the swastika, formerly known as the ‘Tetraktys’ or ‘Meandros’ is an actual depiction of a counter-clockwise rotating galaxy, a counter-clockwise rotating Solar System.
This is a depiction of the masculine, of what is also referred to as the anti-matter. Yes, you read that correctly. Counter-clockwise means anti-matter, which means, we are the anti-matter - and what we mainly see in our cosmos, on our visual spectrum, is indeed the anti-matter.
Counter-Clockwise rotation was also believed to have been the host of masculine energies. The part of the Mind. On the other hand, the Clockwise rotation is assigned to the matter or the feminine energy.
Here are some examples of galaxies detected by the Webb Telescope:
The operative aspect is which angle we are looking at these galaxies. For if we look at one from ‘above’ and it looks like a Clockwise galaxy, from below it would appear as the exact opposite, a Counter-Clockwise.
Below are but a few examples of the ancient symbolisms, both for CCW (Counter-Clockwise) and CW (Clockwise) meanders that depict the cosmic attributes.
As you can see from the above, civilizations from all over the planet had a use for this universal sign, which symbolized the application of universal functions upon life, identity, and properties. In short, everything applied to the following schematic:
Everything in the life of ancient civilizations was connected to nature, to the functions of the universe itself.
The New ‘Discoveries’
After the historical aspect, which is giving us a ton of clues, let us dive into the scientific side of our cosmos.
Let’s refer to the curious case of Planet 9 that NASA published. If we are to consider its vast elliptical course, which has had various iterations already placed online — corrections so that they don’t cause questions.
In the picture below, you see one of the earlier iterations, not on scale. In the mathematical spectrum, an ellipse has two centers. If there is only one, it is highly more probable that any celestial object will be slingshot away from all gravitational influences. The only way such an object, like a planet, would return is if there is a second gravitational field on the far side, to create the ellipse’s second center.
Below is a video that is telling, yet it is still part of the main narrative. Give it a watch.
They are now trying to justify the existence of another solar system within our hyper heliosphere, by saying that it’s coming from another galaxy (!). The simple answer is no. They have always been here, as this type of symmetrical system, with opposite rotations exists everywhere. It’s the nature of our universe.
The operative element here is that the agencies have been so focused on looking at our nearby solar system and then beyond it, that they ‘neglected’ to take a better look in our immediate neighborhood. Or perhaps they already have and are not allowed to talk about it, as it would collapse the cosmological status quo — something that has indeed begun to take place.
The Nature of our Hyper-Solar System
One valid theory that has been developed is that the universe functions under the principle of fractal mathematics. Some of you may be aware of the concept of the ‘Holographic Universe’ without the hologram prospect (or the simulation for that matter, which is detrimental to our identity). According to a correct aspect to that theory, every smaller function or structure, like the neurons of a brain, are the exact mirror of the wider construct of the universe.
As humans, we have two parts in our brain: the logical one (left) and the creative one (right). From an exterior perspective, our left brain is the CCW, AKA the masculine, while the right one (CW) is the feminine one. This has nothing to do with the actual bodily functions, but everything to do with energy applications. In short, it is all about reason and emotion.
Two scientists, a neurophysiologist (Karl Pribram) and a physicist (David Bohm) concluded that essentially, the smallest element in the universe is an exact copy of the whole. In short, our cosmos is based on the fractal mathematics model.
More specifically:
Pribram’s Brain Model
The brain processes information in a way that resembles a hologram, where each part encodes information about the entire structure. This implies that cognitive processes are non-local and interconnected, aligning with the recursive nature of fractals, where each subset mirrors the entire set.
Pribram’s findings on memory distribution resonate with fractal structures because they suggest that each part of the brain contains all the information needed to recreate a memory or experience. This is similar to how fractals exhibit self-similarity, where each smaller segment has the structure and information of the entire shape. If the universe is indeed holographic, it implies that any part of it might reflect the whole, following the recursive, scale-invariant nature seen in fractal mathematics.
Bohm’s Implicate Order
Bohm’s theory of implicate order posits that everything in the universe is fundamentally connected in a deeper, underlying reality where separation is an illusion. The implicate order unfolds into the explicate order (our observable reality) in patterns that can be seen as fractal-like—complex structures arising from simple, underlying rules that repeat across scales.
Bohm’s idea of non-locality and interconnectedness aligns with fractal mathematics through the concept of scale-invariance and self-similarity. Quantum entanglement and the wave function’s behavior hint at underlying patterns that can be modeled using fractal mathematics. This perspective supports the idea that the fabric of reality operates under recursive patterns found in nature, such as the branching of trees, coastlines, or even the structure of galaxies.
Correlations Between the two Models
The experiments and theories by Pribram and Bohm, when interpreted in the context of fractal mathematics, suggest that the universe could operate as a system where the whole is reflected in each part, and complex, self-similar patterns emerge across different scales. This fractal approach is evident in the non-locality of quantum mechanics, the distribution of information in the brain, and the recursive structures in cosmic and natural phenomena. Such a model points to a reality where the underlying rules of organization repeat, much like fractals do in mathematical constructs.
Entropy and Order
Everything begins in a state of chaotic entropy, which almost every belief system defines as evil. It is an expansive state from where the states of evolution begin. Thus, from the entropic neutron state, we advance into gaseous, liquid, and solid states. This is entropy’s advance into ordered structure, Solid-1 which is where we begin to count the actual dimensions of matter-energy density. Anything before that is still in a state of entropy.
The state of Solid-1 is where we find the actual planetary cores. Yes, I use plural because each planet follows — by the fractal approach — the exact pattern that our hyper-solar system does.
How Dimensions of Density Work
This is a tough concept to digest, so I will take things in a more illustrative approach.
With the above schematic, you are beginning to get an idea of where we stand on the dimensional scale. What you will notice is that they also scale in terms of the number 12, which is also believed to be the fundamental number of our universe — its shape being a dodecahedron.
Thus, if we utilize the fractal approach, the tiniest building block, what we refer to as the ether, bears such a structure. One we can safely call ‘etheric dodecahedron.’ This building block is the basis from which all elements can be built. Hence, if you heard of the term ‘alchemic transmutation’ — it essentially is the rearrangement of such building blocks to create new elements or alter the state of existing ones. However, the methods of such transformations vary. In short, any advanced civilization that can control these building blocks has no need for harvesting specific minerals.
The Fractal Correlations - From Planet to Human Cells
Starting from our Earth, we have the understanding that we are on a Solid-3 ground. That crust encompasses the two inner cores that are Solid-2. And each of these cores encompass their own set of 2 Solid-1 cores — which are the true super-solids. The entire system orbits its respective center of symmetry, just like our hyper-solar system. That point of symmetry is where the gravitational center or ‘well’ sits.
In short, our entire gravitational system is not just a singular core, but a system of 4 Solid-1 cores, and 2 Solid-2. This is how the fractal extrapolation goes.
By this moment, I believe some brains may be exploding. However, once this principle is understood, things become much more simplified. Below is the illustration.
The above schematic follows the exact fractal approach of the structure of our universe.
As you saw in the dimensions’ schematic, Solid-1 is the most dense state of matter. The more we advance, the more expansive it becomes. This means that — by fractal extrapolation — our hyper-solar system has a 4th dimensional barrier.
Hold on to that thought: barrier.
Now, think of a cell in our body. Is it homogenous in its structure or does it have a barrier? If you have watched any videos of the microscopic world, you will notice that it has a barrier. In short, every dimension beyond Solid-1 (the super-dense) has one.
Above is one of the first images that was published from an electro-microscope, displaying the structure of the cells. Is it me or does it look like they too have a dual-core system? Naturally, not as well-structured as the higher levels of density (or dimensions) have, but the fractal model still appears to apply here.
Just as a probe ‘needle’ encounters resistance when it tries to penetrate a cell, the same applies to every structural system within our universe. What we must also note here is that after the barrier is penetrated, there is little to no resistance afterwards. This means that the barrier is encompassing something less dense, like a bubble.
Our Earth has our known 3rd dimension barrier. According to the fractal model, our hyper-solar system has a 4th dimension barrier, one that we could define as plasma.
“Plasma is a state of matter made up of partially-ionized gas that contains electrons, ions, and neutral atoms. When energy is added to a gas, the atoms become ionized and free electrons are created. The electrons gain enough energy to generate visible light through excitation collisions, which produce photons.” — Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory
This means that plasma itself is not always visible and it takes a form of reaction for it to produce photons. Photons is how we perceive the entire world around us, as they are the ones responsible for creating the images that are translated within our optical nerve into impulses that allow us to define objects and the space around us.
This 4th state of energy/matter is the ‘realm’ where our very soul resides, but this is not the subject here. I am only placing it for terms of reference and illustration.
Expanding Outwards
As you may have suspected from the above, every higher dimension encompasses all the others below it, but never the other way around. So, when you hear the various narratives of ‘inter-dimensional beings’ now you know how the physics work.
Does this mean that our Earth’s crust — as a barrier — encompasses something else within it? Absolutely. As a 3rd dimension, it has the capacity to include all other stages or dimensions below it, entropy included. Magma, for example, is a dense liquid, one phase before becoming solid itself. What else is also entropy? Air or gas. Could this mean that — deeper inside — our Earth has another atmosphere? It is not just likely, but also very possible. Proponents of the Hollow Earth theory, rejoice!
Though, be mindful of various narratives there as well.
The Toroid Structure
The torus, just like the dodecahedron and the sphere, is a fundamental structure within the entirety of our universe. A planet’s magnetosphere is a torus. The various energy waves tend to deform it, but — when left alone — it is restored back to its original shape and volume.
Now, let us jump two levels higher. From a planetary system, up to the galactic. What do you see in the — illustrated — picture below?
If a planet has it, if a galaxy has it, it is only logical that a solar system has it as well. And yes, humans have it too.
The major difference is that the galactic one is of the 5th dimension — and as we mentioned earlier, it can become visible only when the necessary reactions take place to trigger the production of photons, which follow the direction of those reactions.
What does that mean?
If we take our Earth’s magnetosphere, for example, we notice that its flow is emitted from the South region, circles around, and re-enters the North. The same goes for our hyper-solar system, and our galaxy. This means that if we ever want to properly exit our system and go interstellar, our best bet is to head South. That way, we can also ‘ride’ the energy flow of our celestial structure and not encounter the barrier that surrounds our hyper-solar system.
Heliosphere and Hyper-heliosphere
For those who are not aware, there is the famous ‘Pioneer Anomaly’ where Pioneer 10 and 11 encountered the edge of our heliosphere that essentially encompasses our solar system. Notice how the study itself places the range of that sphere at a maximum of 70 Astral Units (1 AU = distance between Earth and our Sun).
Furthermore, the Voyager Probes have encountered the term ‘bow shock’ as of a NASA June 14th report of 2012, reiterated in the Physics Forums on June 20th of 2012, where the vessels have encountered an increase in particle density. This event was encountered at approximately 119.4 Astral Units.
So, what do we have here?
We have two ‘bubbles.’ The heliosphere and the much larger hyper-heliosphere. Is the latter at the 119.4 AU distance? I believe it is the beginning of the external barrier’s influence, but not the barrier itself. If we are to extrapolate the actual size of the hyper-heliosphere, we should look closer to the Oort Cloud. All the asteroids, gas, and icicles did not just decide to ‘sit’ around us in a formation of a sphere, did they?
Now, what happens if we send a ship directly through our hyper-solar system’s barrier? Well, for starters, it will hit quite a thick plasma wall. This means that its systems will most likely go haywire and the vessel itself — if not properly shielded — will lose power and go adrift. That’s not something we would want happening, if we ever tried to go interstellar, no?
Thus, the safest way out would be via the Southern pole of our hyper-solar system. This means that if we were to be — let’s say — blockaded or quarantined, that doorway would have to be ‘sealed.’
Could this be one of the real reasons for all the clandestine activities down in Antarctica? That’s a rhetorical question, which you can have a gander at here.
Our universe is fascinating and there is still much to discover about its nature and our connection to it. The fact that so much is being hidden from us, plus all the ‘backup’ narratives that float out there, do not serve our best interests as a species. Just because the agencies are not telling us the full truth, does not mean that the Earth is flat. Nor does it mean that we are in some form of computer simulation. Those theories are simply a distraction.
The reality, as much complex as it may appear, is actually even more fascinating. Our universe does adhere to the concept of fractal mathematics, which makes it much easier for us to extrapolate and make better hypotheses. This alone offers us a good direction to focus our research and our approach.
The questions I will leave you with are the following:
Why would the nature of our hyper-solar system be obscured? Who actually benefits from it and why? Think big, not just Earth-bound.
Great blog!