Proxy Encounters
The Goading of the East and the Distractions in the West continue in a clumsy crescendo that one must try hard not to notice.
Every now and then I take a pause from the historical and non-conventional research reporting and take a glance at the events I consider ‘lesser keys’ in the development of the mainstream narrative. The interesting part of it is that when I look into the news a bit deeper, it all goes back to the same parts of history we established and analyzed in this SubStack.
All it takes is a bit of logical thinking and some knowledge of our… unmodified past as humanity.
Since you are here, you are among the people who deeply sense something is off with the series of narratives we’ve been fed, but can’t quite put your finger on it. Or you are curious enough to seek a different perspective that might fill in the blanks.
One thing I do admit. I have pushed the envelope when it comes to the information I put out, something that the majority will think twice about. It is only natural, especially since we have all been programmed since birth. As I have mentioned several times in the past, what I seek is to help people de-program themselves, by offering the ‘Big Picture’ AKA the ‘landscape’ of our past. At least what many scholars and researchers were able to preserve. From there on, you are free to roam and seek your own answers.
As an old friend once told me, “the best teams are composed of unique individuals, each with their own independent personalities.” This applies to nations and civilizations as well. The greatest foundation for the development of these types of active individuals is freedom.
Freedom is what has been subverted over the past couple of millennia. Especially the freedom of the mind, which has been programmed to become the most efficient prison.
In this article, I will break down this ‘subroutine’ of our programming by utilizing two recent events in the global tapestry. The Moscow attack and the Demolishing of the Francis Scott Bridge in Baltimore.
The Moscow Attack
For many, this was surprising, but not unexpected. The entirety of this operation and the tragic loss of life was nothing more than a false flag, a desperate move on behalf of the infiltrators who have established themselves in the West to:
Goad Russia into an escalation, and
Attract attention away from the catastrophe in Gaza and the West Bank.
Russia’s officials came out and blamed the US, the UK, and Ukraine for this attack. However, who is truly responsible?
Take a look at the physiognomical characteristics of the two perpetrators captured.
Anthropology is a dead giveaway here. Now, let’s notice something else, like the headline of a so-called Independent Media publication.
The biased title ‘living in terror’, which you can find here, reminds us the headline of another post of 2018:
So, who are the Tajik? A quick search will confirm that they are the Tajikistan nationals. And where is this place situated?
Oh, wait, isn’t it the same region where the First Major Horde started its campaign against the West in 2,200 BC/BCE? The ones who were later known as Hyksos when they subjugated Egypt, after they were pushed out of Babylonia and Assyria? The very same people who are the pioneers of usury, subversion, financial crimes, theft, and - yes - widespread piracy during the old times. The same people, who during the beginning of their campaign, were described by the Ancient Persians as having Mongolic characteristics. This was before they subjugated, converted and intermixed with other populations (to put it mildly), so that they have their indoctrinated ‘cannon fodder’ for when their plans demanded it.
It is a specific group of clans originally named Turanians, as in ‘men on horses’ before they were separated into different ‘ethnical’ names.
However, it is true that a portion of that people chose a different path and essentially became members of the Islamic religion. However, the nations who follow that doctrine have zero interest in direct implication against Russia. This is especially true due to the BRICS alliance. Even in the military analyses for World War 3 of 2003, in no place is it mentioned that Islam and Russia will be at a standoff. On the contrary, those who ‘survive’ the 2nd Phase of the war will eventually become legitimate targets for the racial-purity-obsessed Chinese Dynasty that is currently controlling the CCP.
There are those who claim that it is the Jews who control China. If we had a Time Machine to jump into the distant past and the future ahead, they will experience otherwise. The Dynastic Order of China practiced secret structures of command and control millennia before Western Secret Societies were formed. We have already spoken of this extensively.
With that in mind, let’s briefly discuss the second important event.
The Attack on the Francis Scott Bridge
Any initial thoughts that the Russians would counter-attack the US for the events that took place in Moscow is naive to say the least. Thus far, recent history has taught us that despite the expansion of NATO, in violation of the Minsk Agreement, the political infiltration of Ukraine with the coup of 2014, the blowing up of the Nord Stream pipeline, to name a few, the Russians have been reserved in their reactions.
Via Putin’s declaration, a part that I am inclined to believe, his initial special military operation in Ukraine was to stop the constant attacks of Western Ukraine versus the Eastern territories that were predominantly Russian nationals. Hold on, what does this remind us of in the history of the 20th Century? Yes, the Free City of Danzig. The same thing was happening there to the German nationals, and it became the trigger point for World War 2. There is a clear pattern here.
So, what really happened at the bridge?
Why wasn’t it an accident? First and foremost, one of the strongest point of the US is it’s logistical capability and capacity. Michael states it clearly below:
What is even more ‘curious’ is that the same day the Russian officials made their accusations per the attack in Moscow, the bridge collapses.
Clumsy, no? At least for the people who have awakened to this phase and start to look into daily events with a critical eye.
“Through deception thou shall do war,” — MOSSAD motto.
And where does that motto come from? Sun Tzu’s Art of War.
The people who have done their homework are very much aware who the builders of the infamous terrorist organizations are and who are the ones truly funding them. As we would hear in the old days, ‘it’s not rocket science.’ This specific organization has infiltrated intelligence agencies in the West through its Master Lodges in the City of London. We have spoken of this as well, especially the Philosophic and the Theosophic branch of the AOA Master Lodge, acronyms that stand for ‘Astro Ordo Argentinum’ (Philosophic, Old Guard) and ‘Adeptis Ordo Atlantis’ (Theosophic, New Guard).
The people who have spoken that this ‘Cabal’ goes thousands of years, they were - in a sense - correct. They are still unaware of how deep and how far in time it goes. I believe those who read the articles in this SubStack will get a much better understanding.
When Two Sides Collide…
…there is always a third beneficiary.
This has been a ‘law’ in all major conflicts of the past few millennia, starting —in our antiquity— as far back as the Hellenic-Persian Wars.
Fast forward to the last 120 years, both World War 1 and World War 2 have been among predominantly White nations. Brother against brother. The Jewish Bolsheviks brought one of the biggest disasters in European history via the Holodomor. The policy of Mao, inspired by the Bolsheviks themselves —also in person— did the same for China. However, that last part had to do with the cleansing of the ‘genetically impure’ people, as the Dynasties were —as we mentioned several times— always in favor of ‘genetic purity’, something that has been the real reason between all the infighting in Ancient China.
Today, we see the CCP going after the Uyghurs. As a historical reminder, these people were part of the army Genghis Khan utilized in his campaign against Europe, and they are considered anything but ‘pure’ in today’s China. These groups have a history of rising against the Dynasties, because they despised the way they were treated and used as a proxy army against other civilizations.
‘Proxy wars…’ here is another term we have been hearing again of late. As we have thoroughly established and you can see it today, it is an ancient concept. Alexander the Great sought to end this and reunite the Hellenes and the Persians, by taking the war to the perceived enemy at the time. An enemy that was —again— infiltrated and was set loose against their brothers and sisters of the then early West.
Now, we have the proxy war in Ukraine, of the West vs Russia, instigated, this time by a tool of the Ancient Chinese Dynasties.
What fate do we think the Jews will have once they stop being useful to the CCP?
The role of Israel has been to become the ‘seeming’ leader of the West and be the point of friction between us and the East. And according to our recent past, this friction must first ignite between brothers and sisters. It is why they have been using the people of Russia. The less of us that remain, the easier will be for the CCP to perform its final ‘cleanup’ operation later.
The more I see today’s events unfold, the more the analyses of WW3 that went public more than 20 years ago make sense.
Here, I will bring forth a ‘traditional’ question: Is it making sense to you, yet?
Even the racial division within the US, more specifically between the Blacks and the Whites falls under the exact same doctrine. The same plan. A house divided is a house doomed to fall. Even more recently, we have the complete invasion of the West by illegal immigrants, promoted by the same infiltrators.
God’s Chosen People
In short, their arrogance will be their undoing. What they are achieving with their obsession with the implementation of the ‘Jewish Supremacy’ doctrine is a double-edged sword. First and foremost, they are becoming so disliked in the Western World, that they have to pass numerous laws to protect the deceptive narrative their leaders established over the years. As common sense goes, truth fears no question. Lies do.
On the other hand, the Jewish population, and by extension their Turanian genetic origins are planned for termination when the enemies of the Dynasty are gone.
The fact of the matter is that the ‘middle management’ of the Jewish population is aware that the CCP will wipe them off the face of the Earth, but they are doing a really bad job at trying to divert the attention of the West. They believe they are doing us a favor, by pointing at our true enemy, but have been unable to break away from their addiction of being called ‘the chosen ones.’ This will be their undoing.
The ‘Jewish Supremacy Elites’ who are by the way secular, believe that when all is said and done on our planet, that they will either be left to rule over the ashes, or be taken aboard the ‘flagship’ of their ‘messiah.’ If we are to break the news to those who they have programmed with the ‘chosen pill,’ it would be something like this:
“It is said that 1% of the population controls the world. This is in the 80 million mark. Are they that many? Doubtful. The so-called registered Jewish population is 16 million worldwide. Their supported scripture speak of only 144,000 being ‘saved’. That’s a 0.9%, so there we have the ‘real’ 1%. What is going to happen to the rest of you? Have you noticed that your ‘collective’ isn’t helping you but your masters?”
Ancient history has shown us that a lot of Jewish commoners chose to join the freedom the Hellenic civilization offered them, which enraged their masters at the time. Further back in time, even many of the Chinese chose the freedoms of the Aegean civilization as opposed to the oppression of their arrogant masters.
Point being is that the Aegean and Hellenic White civilizations have been kind and considerate of all the people they could bring onboard. This is something we still see today in our Western World. However, their masters have infiltrated our institutions to a degree of subversion that will be the end of us. And after we fall, these common people will fall as well.
All of this is something that Russia knows, as they their embassies have been constant recipients of the same information that I came across for the past two decades or so. Despite being forced to fall into the arms of China, they have been reserved against the provocations of these infiltrator groups. They know what their fate will be should Phase 2 of this World War commences.
The question is, de we know what our own fate will be? If yes, what steps are we willing to take in order to cease this infiltration once and for all and stop the most catastrophic war in human history?
I say ‘most catastrophic’ because if we are to take the past military analyses seriously, one day, there will be only Chinese in this world. That’s if they will be allowed to survive by their celestial master, who happens to be the very same figure in the ‘messiah’ scriptures. What every western legend and myth describes as ‘The Dragon.’
Try and think this through with an open mind. You will be surprised how many dots connect under this ‘big picture.’
In this dreaded scenario, I will quote a good friend of mine, Lieutenant Colonel Steven Murray:
“In a tough situation, the calmer minds win the argument.”
In this instance, the calmer minds win their survival. We must not allow ourselves to be goaded and we must clear our nations of this infiltration plague. Otherwise, there will be no future for the human race.
Thus, there is much we need to deprogram ourselves from.