Those who brushed by the writings, podcasts, or videos that quoted ‘Q’ have often heard the phrase ‘this is a Change of Guard.’ However, none of the people know who this ‘New Guard’ is, and they are led to believe that it will be the ‘good guys’ or the ‘White Hats’ that will bring forth a new renaissance for the average citizen.
People who have suffered materially, psychologically, physically, they have been led through this storm of information warfare and Hegelian Dialectic to cling to the hope that there will be a sudden change that will change their lives to the better.
Transitions of Power
This much rumored event that is coming is not unprecedented. It has happened before. In some points in time, it was quick and catastrophic. In others, it was slower. In this instance, I will not go too far back in time, but I will stick closer to the last 500 years, where two of such transitions occurred.
The Dark Ages
There is a reason the medieval times have attained this description. Since 80 AD/CE and the works of Josephus, institutionalized religion began to take form. Less than three centuries later (325 AD/CE), the Great Synod of Nicaea took place to - in their words - ‘make religion more manageable.’ There were far too many books and scriptures in circulation, rendering total control of the subjects, cumbersome. Fifty-six (56) years later, in 381 AD/CE, Rome did the exact same thing.
Not long after, Rome sustained its first major blow. In 410 AD/CE, the barbarians sacked the city, while the people were distracted with ‘Άρτος και θέαμα’ meaning ‘bread and spectacle.’ Crumbling under the weight of corruption and internal subverters and enemies, the Roman Empire finally crashed in 476 AD/CE, signaling the beginning of the Dark Ages.
Burnings of knowledge and persecution of scholars began shortly after, with Hypatia of Alexandria being murdered in 415 AD/CE, and the Great Library being burnt. That place of knowledge sustained the rage of flames three times, and what knowledge survived was flocked into the libraries of the Vatican, and some - as is rumored - was moved to Mount Athos.
Anything that resembled a connection to the past was destroyed, beginning with the Edict of Thessalonica by Emperor Theodosius of the Eastern Roman Empire, AKA Byzantium (named as such much later), in 390 AD/CE. A year later, the Serapeum of Egypt was also destroyed.
This sequence signaled the end of classical science and the beginning of religious zealotry, superstition, and control. The wave that washed across Europe was based on the doctrine of ‘God’s Wisdom’ also known as Theosophy. This institutionalized religion has always been an Eastern concept, hence all major monotheistic religions always look to the ‘Light of the East.’
The Order of Theosophy became an enforced doctrine with the founding of the Knight Templars in 1119 AD/CE by Hugues de Payens and eight other Knights, same century as the formation of the Inquisition. Mind you, not the Spanish Inquisition, which came much later, in 1478 AD/CE.
The Renaissance
During this darkness of suppressing, destroying, or murdering dissenting voices, came the first signs of return to knowledge. Curious excavators and treasure hunters began unearthing artifacts starting in the 1400s AD/CE, and even knowledge thought lost. The focus was Ancient Greece and Rome, an endeavor that signaled the beginning of the end of the Theosophic Order.
While the Status Quo did not want to let go of its power, a transition had to be made, as a growing number of people began to question the doctrine regime. Those persecuted would find refuge in the region of the Netherlands and later in the New World that became America.
The ‘elites’ in power at the time recognized that a wave of change was inevitable, that they were becoming the Old Guard. Thus, a New Guard was needed, one that remained dormant - mainly in the East - for a long time. Hence the emergence of the Philosophical Order. However, to infiltrate the West, a structure was needed, one that would not draw too much attention.
After the disbanding of the Templars in 1312 AD/CE, the balance of power had already started to shift. It is rumored, but not confirmed, that many of their followers - or even themselves - found refuge in the guild of masons, who were also involved in the construction of cathedrals, among other grand buildings in Europe.
Once the shift from the Theosophic Order to the Philosophic Order began, the masons guild shifted its recruitment requirements to include the so-called ‘speculative’ members. This occurred in the 16th and 17th Century AD/CE, and led to the eventual creation of the Premier Grand Lodge of England in 1717. Curious number that 17, is it not?
Thus, the New Guard became fully established, pushing the Old Guard aside.
However, due to the fact that the enforcers of the previous Guard, the Templars, were persecuted near the end, this New Guard did not want to share the same fate. Thus, a new power structure was established, above the Grand Lodges, as an overseer that would issue orders directly to the heads of each Lodge. These became the Supreme Lodges and attained code-names, pulling themselves beyond the public eye.
Each of those Supreme Lodges undertook a geopolitical and geo-economic role with assigned zones of influence. However, their allegiance remained to the same masters: the East.
The New ‘Old’ Guard
Shortly before the finalization of this transition of power, the first Central Bank came into existence in England. It was instituted via the proposal of William Paterson on July 27 of 1694, and paved the way for the financial enslavement of the West.
The Three Cities
With the establishment of America’s undisputed military strength, the three centers of power became adequately updated. The Vatican handled the Spiritual Aspect, the City of London (not London itself) became the Financial Center, and Washington DC became the Military Headquarters.
Those who believe that the United States government has been taking orders and manipulated by the City of London, are correct. This influence expanded and was confirmed when the Americans were pushed into the two World Wars. The center of command that orchestrated all of this has a name: The +AOA or Astro Ordo Argentinum (Order of the Shining Star - often referred to as the Eastern Star, focused on Silver, as its focus is currency and eventually greed) - the Philosophic Supreme Lodge of the City of London. This ‘power house’ is composed of 72 members, who can only join if they are of a specific Eastern bloodline and their affiliations must remain secret, under the penalty of death.
The ‘plus’ sign of the AOA is also noted with the upward triangle (∆) symbol. This is something many - and rightfully so - associate with the infamous Illuminati Group.
An Unexpected Turn
This is where everything becomes slightly shrouded for the general population.
By the middle of the 19th Century, namely around the 1850s, something unexpected happened. The warnings of the Ancients rippled across the timeline, about a ‘return of the gods’ - which included new ‘additions’ to our Solar System.
I will not delve into the details of that aspect, as you can read all about the subject here, here, and here.
This event was the primary reason for the establishment of Washington DC as the center of military power.
The first warnings of this impending arrival reached the power structure of our planet much earlier, signaling the initiation of a race of technological development. Thus, the first two Industrial Revolutions took place, the First from 1760 AD/CE to 1840 AD/CE and the Second from 1870 AD/CE to 1914 AD/CE.
After thousands of years of horseback riding and carriages, within a small amount of time, we introduced cars and the first jet engines. The patent for the first ‘turbojet’ engine was introduced by Frank Whittle in 1930.
The First Tests
In 1938, the first test took place. It was a broadcast to measure the public’s reaction to a possible alien invasion.
Welles's adaptation of H. G. Wells's novel was broadcast live on CBS Radio on October 30, 1938. The broadcast was so realistic that some listeners believed it was actual news about a Martian invasion of Earth. The broadcast included simulated breaking news bulletins, actors portraying reporters and government officials, and realistic sound effects.
The results measured showed clearly that the people were not ready for such an encounter. Thus, a new approach was needed. A narrative followed by a subsequent advancement in technology that would allow the status quo to survive.
The sightings of UAPs or Unidentified Aerial Phenomenons were not by accident. They had occurred throughout our history and they did not have our best interest at heart. Around the era of the World War II and the Roswell crash, a more direct interaction and relationship was formed. This instituted the need of the ‘above-top-secret’ classification as it threatened the planetary status quo.
New theories and misdirections began to emerge throughout the Western World, trying to throw all researchers off-track and introducing the New-Age religions, which ‘channeled’ directly at the species that had placed Earth as a prisoner of war for thousands of years. The very same ones that caused the major cataclysms on our planet, for the mere purpose of nullifying resistance and awareness.
Why would they do that? One might ask.
Earth, or Gaia - as it was once called, was once a colony of a highly advanced civilization, a Commonwealth, a form of Federation. No, not the ‘Galactic Federation of Light’ as some claim. Something much larger.
Initial Info Disseminations
Before continuing into the section of ‘Battle Readiness’ I trust it is worthwhile to address certain aspects of the UFO/UAP community. First and foremost, not all people who follow these phenomena are well-versed in the subject. Similarly, not all followers of this subject use weed or other psychedelics in hopes of ‘seeing better.’
There are legitimate researchers out there, who have done a lot of scientific work. Some of them are also scientists, engineers, inventors, who have kept their inventions outside of the public sphere, simply because they did not care for money, but the truth. Are there many of those? Unfortunately, no. But they did exist, and some of them still exist today.
One of those groups, which I referenced in the past as H.R.G. (Hellenic Restoration Group), whereas others refer to them as G.H.REES. (Group of Hellenic Re-Establishment) is one of them. They first started via the Chief Marshal (Chief General) of the Hellenic Armed Forces during the 1940s and 1950s, Alexander Papagos.
After World War II, Papagos became the recipient of a ‘treasure trove’ of information accumulated by one of the 3rd Reich’s Chief of Intelligence, Von Kanaris, also known as Wilhelm Canaris. He was the grandson of Constantine Kanaris, a war hero of the Hellenic Independence War, and later the Prime Minister of the Hellenic Republic.
More or less, we are all aware of the UFO program Germany had in the 1930s and 1940s. Much of that information, on the intel level reached the hands of Papagos. The whereabouts of the original ‘chest,’ as it was described, are currently unknown. However, its contents triggered the curiosity of the General, who initiated the formation of the Research Group, one he kept under wraps for obvious, even today, reasons.
It was those people who began to disseminate the first information on both the geopolitical and the astro-political agendas. What Israel is doing today was known to them since the 1970s. In the year 1985, they published their first series of texts, militarized in structure, to the public. These envelopes were passed on from hand to hand, then in photocopies, to military branches, to embassies, and then to civilians. I personally got my hands on those early 2002.
This information dissemination was done via a selected representative, a dissident and whistleblower who left the high ranks of the Jehovah Witnesses of Rome. Ever since he came into the public sphere, he was ruthlessly fought against. His name is Yannis Karageorgiou. Yes, he is still alive, old and not in a good condition.
I personally spent years trying to vet the information he passed on, especially during the years of the Information Warfare the theosophic masonic lodges launched against him. Masons would steal the materials he would disseminate to the public, alter them, and present them as their own. When something like that happens, you know there has to be some truth to them.
You have never heard of this, simply because you were never meant to. When one hears the word ‘Hellenic’ - they will rightfully think that everything is focused on the Hellenic, a rather national aspect. Yet, once you dive deeper into the research, the material encompasses the entire Pelasgian and Dravidian populations, AKA the entire White Race. There are even references to the Ethiopian (Black) and the Sinese (Chinese) races, their participation, and their influence throughout the years. For good or for bad. Thus, their focus has been on planetary security.
Part of a Theosophic narrative H.R.G. exposed at the time was the ‘reinvigoration’ of the Elusis (Elefsis) Mysteries. According to it, the perpetrators or ‘unifiers of religion’ lured married women into orgies, under the guise that they would give birth to the new ‘gods of Olympus.’ Those were to - supposedly - unify the pantheon with Christianity. A first approach to the pan-religion or ‘One World Religion.’
Today, I have no idea how many of that group there are. I only know that there are people who have taken those warnings seriously, of various walks of life. Watching the ‘elites’ building their super-bunkers makes me think they were tipped off to what is coming.
Thus, what I describe in this SubStack, does it sound like a movie script? When you encounter this information for the first time, yes. When you delve deep into the levels of research that go beyond what is being spoon-fed to us, the notion of this being just a story begin to dissipate. Much of H.R.G.’s work became a foundation on which I worked on and expanded. This is how I have been able to bring this information forth.
A New Narrative
Beyond the recipients of H.R.G.’s research, there is us, the common people. For us, there are the narratives, the distractions, the misinformation. Throughout the years, these narratives changed. From the strictly national level, to a wider approach. The entire hype of the 2012 End of the World scenario was meant to generate some form of either doom or hope of an ET intervention. A type of End Times that was never meant to happen. Those who held onto hope that a massive revelation was coming, were disappointed. Many gave up. It has been the doctrine of ‘offer hope and then take it away.’ A method to induce desperation.
The same approach took place in the political system of the Hellenic Republic, AKA Greece, after the years of the IMF (International Monetary Fund) Memorandum. The numbers of the country’s deficit were falsified in order to bankrupt the country, and the whistleblower of the National Statistics Agency was eventually silenced. Prior to that, a Prime Minister was threatened with assassination.
The usual tactic, against those who sought the truth, was the presence of an unfired bullet in front of their door. Now, you have an understanding as to how bad things were and are, especially when the stakes are this high. Offer hope during the direst of times, have people hang onto it, and then take it away.
Are we - somewhat - seeing this today?
Back to our subject.
One of the main narratives for us mortals was the movement around the so-called ‘Galactic Federation of Light.’ The disseminators of that narrative went as far as to claim that our Moon, AKA Levan or Leviathan, was conquered by this… Federation and that salvation was on its way. This was over a decade ago. Does the state of our world show any signs of… salvation? Or are we headed straight for World War III?
Still, that narrative has a lot of followers, blissfully unaware that this is a psyop.
Lately, a new scenario came into being as part of the ‘disclosure.’ The ‘Galactic Federation of Worlds.’ I became aware of it during the past few days. After a short research, I noticed much of the information H.R.G. had released over the past 40 years is embedded in this new narrative. Curious, wouldn’t you say so?
They now claim that the ‘Galactic Federation of Light’ is a psyop, that there was a huge rebellion (though, they shift the blame elsewhere), that the Flat Earth is another psyop (which it is), and so on and so forth. They claim that Enki, which they now say is a title and not an actual name (also publicized by H.R.G. close to 2 decades ago), and they clearly dismiss the entire Hellenic and Roman mythology and history. This narrative sticks only to Egypt and Mesopotamia. If you look quite deeper into this new scenario, the Jews are still portrayed as the ‘chosen ones’ - albeit subliminally.
Zero reference of the Pelasgians, the Dravidians, Aegis, the Great War, the catastrophes of the three Solar Wars. Also, no reference to the actual, historically recorded encounters between humanity and the ‘pantheon gods’ that extend even beyond the mythological references. The ones we’ve referred to as Kroneans, AKA Saturnians.
So, what is the story of Enki and Enlil? It was a war of the Control of the Houses, a regional conflict during the Bronze Age (8,255 BC/BCE to 3,615 BC/BCE) on our planet that ended up with an overuse of nuclear weapons, instigating a grand catastrophe, referenced later as the Cataclysm of Deucalion and Pyrrha. We might halt here for a moment and analyze the names. Def-Kalion (the ‘u’ is pronounced ‘f’) means “the path to better one’s self” - while Pyrrha literally means “fire.”
Def - from Defte (come, approach), Kalion - comparative to Kalos (Kalos/good - Kalion/better - Kalistos/best).
Thus, were their names symbolic of the times they lived in? And where does Prometheus stand, as the one who ‘stole the fire’ from the ‘gods’ for the ‘benefit’ of humans? Or was it the Houses of Enki and Enlil?
Something to think about. Anyways…
This type of new narrative has shifted its attention to planet Saturn, which was taken out by the Commonwealth forces in the late 70s. Their explanation of the ruins on that planet is woefully lacking. Those who disseminate this type of information are blissfully unaware of the structure of our solar system, our hyper-solar system, or its actual entrance and exit.
Our entire universe can be explained via the approach of fractal mathematics, and the book that comes closest to it is Michael Talbot’s Holographic Universe, without our cosmos being an actual hologram. Thus, if we can explain the real nature and structure of our Earth, we can begin to understand the nature and structure of our hyper-solar system. I have posted some schematics before, but most people will not understand what it is they are looking at. In one instance, YouTube influencers thought they were looking at a ‘Hollow Earth’ map. It was not.
So, no, there is no Enki or ‘Ia’ who has come back to ‘correct his mistakes.’ This is the ending of a long war and the capture of a galactic criminal. Whether we survive what is coming or not, is strictly up to us. That criminal will be leaving this solar system either in ‘chains’ - including all of his accomplices, or he will be utterly destroyed in an artificially induced super nova. The recent solar activity has been nothing more than ‘warning shots.’
With that said, let’s continue.
Battle Readiness
As the influx of more ‘objects’ into our system continued, the need for battle readiness developed. This created the desperate need for further technological advancements that would render those at the head of the status quo ‘secure’ against what was coming. Thus, shortly after the Roswell incident, the Invention Secrecy Act came into effect in 1951 and the 3rd Industrial Revolution began.
With technology rapidly advancing in the fields of digital technologies, semiconductors, automation, communications, and then the Internet and robotics, those in power did not want the population to ‘slip’ and make discoveries on their own. Especially in the field of energy.
Traditional medicine was branded as ‘quackery’ and new, oil-based and addictive drugs were introduced. Food, water, and air, started to become poisoned so as to dumb down and stifle the population, while funneling endless amounts of cash, power, and control to the ‘elites.’ When the time came where this ‘outside threat’ had to be faced, they needed full compliance.
Falsification of history escalated to conceal those who grew curious, and we were set on a path towards global totalitarianism. A Feudalism 2.0.
Language itself began to deteriorate and the moral decay of our society was initiated.
The New Guard
A new totalitarian regime needs Agent Smiths. The Matrix that has kept us under the veil of ignorance of our past, of our origins, had to tighten its grip to prepare us for a war that will save the ‘elites’ and those who command them. Thus, a new age of zealotry has to come forth. The +AOA has to step down and have a switch of Guard with its Theosophic counterpart, once again. Enter the -AOA (∇), an acronym that stands for Adeptis Ordo Atlantis - or Followers of the Order of Atlantis, or - as they see themselves - Descendants of the Order of Atlantis.
What is most interesting here is that one of the United States’ most secretive bases, in terms of highly advanced technology, the Diego Garcia base in the Indian Ocean, bears the inscription ‘In tutela nostra Limuria’ stands for ‘In the protection of our Limuria’ or ‘Limuria in our charge.’ This is quite interesting, as Limuria or Lemuria was an ancient continent that went into war with Atlantis - or was actually invaded and eventually destroyed.
The Tightening Noose
Meanwhile, more massive ‘objects’ were spotted entering our system, all assembling around the orbital range of planet Uranus. That region was defined in old scriptures as the outer barriers, where no-one could go beyond. And since the word Uranus originates from ‘Ουρανός’ and is translated to Sky, it was described as ‘the firmament of our flat world,’ with world meaning our Solar System, which is essentially on a flat plane.
Similarly, the planet Jupiter is also named Zeus or Dias. From that perspective, mythology is starting to sound a bit more enigmatic. I will leave it at that, though, as it is not the main subject of this article.
Once the numbers of the incoming fleet reached operational capacity, a formidable assault took place on Saturn, obliterating anything and everything on it and within it. Fleets, factories, bases, nothing remained. By the end of the 1970s, the operation was complete and the repairs on the planet began.
Norman R. Bergrun was able to capture this event and assembled his data and information in his book called ‘The Ringmakers of Saturn.’
In short, the so-called ‘firmament’ has grown smaller.
Ever since, more of these ‘objects’ or war-planets entered our solar system, and assumed an offensive formation at the planetary orbit of Saturn. Their goal is to either capture or destroy a galactic criminal and his Council. The ones who have been keeping our planet under their control, harvesting minerals, and performing experiments on souls. The very same ones that force us into reincarnation so that we cannot escape and let the outside cosmos know what is truly happening on Earth.
Why souls? One might wonder.
Souls are higher ‘dimension’ entities, hosted within our evolved bodies. They are a form of structured energy, more expansive than our physical existence, and they have a tethered connection - on the quantum level, to simplify, with their stars of origin. That tether offers access to unlimited energy and a backdoor to the universe’s neural pathways. They also carry memories of all our past incarnations, whether those are on Earth or another planet. The reason we cannot recall those memories into our brains is due to the poisoning and destruction of certain strands of our DNA.
Back to our topic, though, as the psionic subject is too expansive.
Up until the years 2001 and 2002, it was reported that the last squadrons had arrived. These included not only interstellar, but also intergalactic vessels. Intergalactic? This means that we are dealing with at least a Type 3 civilization on the Kardashev scale.
Where can you find these reports? Not in any English website. At least not without any mumbo-jumbo thoroughly included to immediately discredit it. The data came from a neutrino lab that was rumored to be situated within the Gavdos Island, south of Crete in the Mediterranean. If you take a read at this article, referring to Antarctica, you will get an understanding of the use of the neutrino labs. This was the source. But, don’t take my word at face value. Time will show, sooner or later.
The Ultimatum
Upon finalization of the formation of the ‘threat’ at the orbit of Saturn, also referred to, in the intelligence sector, as the ‘Dead Zone’ an ultimatum was issued. To simply translate it, it demanded the full and unconditional surrender of Earth, the internal 5 planets of our Solar System, and the controlling fleet.
As far as my knowledge goes, our captors initiated a series of negotiations, as a ruse to buy more time. To what effect?
Two reasons:
Harvest as much raw materials as possible for repairs and fuel (not oil),
Prepare humanity to fight their war, as a means of distraction - as the captor fleet seeks to break through the exit blockade.
According to recent disclosures that appear in the Antarctica Article linked earlier, we do have a fleet out there. That is but a part of the defense against the incoming ‘threat.’
One aspect of these negotiations that were transmitted regarded the ‘reconstruction’ of the lost planet of Medusa on Alpha Draconis. If we are to look into the story of Perseus and Andromeda, that planet was destroyed to end the ‘reptile’ threat. However, the terms for the captors’ acts of redemption and rehabilitation still remained.
There was also one last element in that final neutrino transmission (not psychic channeling). In a few words, it said that if World War 3 was to begin on the kinetic phase, all proposals would be immediately withdrawn and the fleet attack would begin.
If we are to take a quick look around our world today, it would appear the ‘masters’ and the ‘chosen ones’ are adamant about plunging our world into chaos. Especially the latter have zero knowledge of what is truly coming.
The 2027 Narrative
This has began gaining traction in the last few weeks. Notice how some ‘Influencers’ are beginning to backtrack from the possibility of a Project Blue Beam. I am not claiming that this project will come to pass, definitely not in its original concept.
Yet, a unification of our planet towards a common enemy is something the ‘masters’ desperately need, as they are facing an existential threat.
Who are these ‘masters’? We have spoken of them before, but let us quickly reiterate.
The head is YHWH, a name not easily pronounced by us. Not a physical being of our own level of matter density, but I will not expand on that here. He is the head of the Draconian Coalition or Alliance. He rules alongside his two ‘High Commanders’ and a 24-Member Council, thus making the governance one of 24+3. One of his 2 ‘Lieutenants’ is believed to be Kronos or Saturn himself, the leader of the dissident humans who impersonated the ‘pantheon gods’ in the pagan religions.
Then, you have the various allied or conquered races, one of which is the Orionian Vril, what people know as Greys. These joined the Coalition out of desperation, not because they were powerful with a Queen that sent a ‘goo’ to ensnare our politicians. Yes, that’s part of the ‘Galactic Federation of Worlds’ narrative. The Orionians sought to control their population via cloning, but their genetic material deteriorated through time, bringing them to a path of extinction. They joined YHWH under the promise that he would help them undo what was done and restore the Vril numbers. Instead, he created soulless hybrids, the so-called ‘Tall Greys.’
The 2027 narrative is suspected to be a Project Blue Beam 2.0. The disclosures that are planned to take place, with the next one being on November 13th of 2024, have a goal to further ‘muddy the waters’ as to the true goals of this Coalition. They intend to present a new world of ‘extended contact’ - which will eventually cause such a havoc on Earth that will unify us all on a common front ‘against the alien threat.’
Initially, it is planned for them to appear as friendly, something that will quickly change. The caveat here is that the New World Order some of the ‘elites’ - this time of the East - believe will last… is not meant to last at all.
While the ‘war on the aliens’ will offer us an initial ‘victory’ - we will all witness another pre-planned event. The departure of the Moon, as is also referenced in the Psalms of the Bible (Psalm, O 71-7 - you can read about it here).
Here is where things get interesting.
The offensive fleet of the Commonwealth, currently in the outer perimeter of the ‘Dead Zone’ will witness the departure of the Moon and its war-planets that are currently in defensive formation in the inner perimeter of the said zone, and they will intervene. Whether they initiate the super nova, is yet to be determined.
At that moment, given the advanced technology that will - by that time - be public, the media will empower the hype of the war, claiming that Earth is facing an existential threat. In a way, we will be standing at the brink of extinction, yes. But only if we fall for that narrative and the ones that precede it and are disseminated today.
The next stop of the Coalition is the hyper-dense star of Sirius-B.
The recent narratives claim that the rebellion wars that ravaged a third of our galaxy started from there, which is utterly false. The rebellion started from the region of Alpha Draconis, which is opposite to Sirius-B, if we are to consider the Earth’s location. One planet around that system is what was given to a portion of the Black Race to utilize as a colony, as part of a ‘payment’ to them allowing the initial colonization of the Earth’s Northern Hemisphere.
That star has a unique connection to the neural pathways of our universe, which H.R.G. believes to be the southernmost center of the cosmic ‘spinal cord.’ Any quantum or dodecahedric energy interruptions of that region can send catastrophic shockwaves to countless worlds. The Commonwealth will not allow that to happen.
Due to the gravitational pull of our planet, the Moon has sustained enough damage that has cracked its hull at the Southern Pole. This was discovered fairly recently, and the mainstream media tries to justify it as an event that has been happening over the past 100 million years. Yet, ‘our’ Moon has been in orbit for approximately 11,600 years. The Coalition’s time has grown short and they need to take their flagship away before the damage is irreparable.
While they make a run for it, we will be left, under a fierce media propaganda, to supposedly fend off against the coming of the Commonwealth - which they will name as ‘hostile aliens.’ We will become a diversion, a distraction, cannon fodder for a fleet that vastly outnumbers, outguns, and out-techs the Coalition and whatever technology they may have given us up to that point. It will be a precarious scenario, that much is certain, with small windows of opportunity for the Draconian Alliance escape.
Thus, if we do fall for that narrative, we will likely be toast.
In the cosmos, there are no concepts of good and evil. No concepts of light and dark. There is only the concept of health and disease. Of order and entropy. The universe works exactly as our human bodies do. When a certain part of our physical existence wishes to become bigger, more powerful, that is the literal definition of cancerous cells. And the first reaction of a healthy body is to destroy those cells.
Just like a physical body, when an area is diseased, the universe does not send a single white cell to fight the infection. It sends an army.
Thus, the question here is, shall we allow ourselves to become part of the cancer? Or are we going to resist it? If it is the latter, we have a better chance at survival.
The New Guard Connection
What we are experiencing today is a war on consciousness, a spiritual war. Thus, the best type of ‘Guard’ to handle this is one that can bring forth ‘messiahs.’ Hence the Theosophic branch is coming back into power, to ‘offer’ humanity a savior or saviors - as its nature and structure makes it the best-suited one to do so.
Thus, when you hear a ‘Q’ type narrative, now you know what type of ‘Guard’ they mean. Neither of them has any good intentions for us.
Much of the reactions we see today from the political Left, are those who are not meant to have a seat at the table in this new ‘Guard.’ Thus, they are struggling to hold onto power, because they know they will eventually become scapegoats. At least some of them, so as to satisfy the people’s ‘thirst for blood.’
If you wish to know how these ‘Guards’ are structured and who is truly in command of them, take a read here. The vast majority of ‘free’ masons have zero idea about those. And those who do know a little, live in denial.
To summarize. The answer to everything will not come from those ‘higher ups’ who only care about themselves, but from each and every one of us. Our souls, young or old, carry a significant amount of memory, which we cannot directly access - due to our poisoning - but the path to our instincts, the core of our souls, is still there. Listen to those messages, those energies.
And for goodness sake, stop listening to channelers. Though it is no fault of their own, the ‘beings’ they connect to are bi-directional communication relays mainly situated on the Moon and controlled by the Vril. The information and images these project are not real, but an aspect of the propaganda and narrative they want us to believe.
If you truly want to communicate with a non-hostile civilization that is on the outer perimeter of the ‘Dead Zone’ (the Commonwealth) - find a way to reach a neutrino transmitter and detector. Point it directly at one of the so-called moons of that region (as it is a directed beam) and listen. Just make sure nothing else intercepts it. If a few inventors were able to do it in the past, I am certain there will be brilliant minds out there that can repeat the feat.
For as long as we are a Prisoner of War planet, don’t expect the actual physical vessels that roam our skies to be from the Commonwealth. They are either from the Draconian Coalition, or they are ours.
If these advanced vessels, that we posses, were meant to fight these Draconians, as some of the controlled ‘whistleblowers’ claim, we would have never been given the technology to conceive them, let alone be allowed to build them in the first place. No prison guard will ever give the keys to the cells to the prisoners. No hostage-taker will ever give the hostages the means to free themselves.
So far, we have been ‘useful’ as hostages. But, I fear that time may be running out.