A while back, I disclosed data from several military analyses that went public back in 2003 regarding the planned World War 3. During that time, the fundamentals of the general approach seemed far-fetched. However, they’re not looking that outlandish anymore.
I would have liked to have more time to delve deeper into our nature as humanity, so as to build the solid foundation that will help people accurately estimate per what is coming. Yes, I have a direction I am going with this series of articles and none of them is disconnected.
At this point in time, however, I will write this article as a parenthesis to the entire sequence, which may act as a reference as future events arrive at our doorstep.
This article is going to be unpopular to most.
The Two Guards
I have made mentions that all the global events are leading to a “Change of Guard” from the Philosophic Branch, to the Theosophic. Yes, after the fall of the Republics and the rise of Monarchies and Theocracies in the 2nd and 3rd Century AD/CE, we entered a phase of the fall of knowledge and the rise of superstition.
As many will correctly say, Theosophy was created as a term later. Yes, however, the concepts and practice were there since the establishment of the Priest Orders.
Theosophic Guard
Theosophy is a form of occultism that revolves around religions. This includes many of the old and definitely the New Age ones. Though many of the low level priests were outside or otherwise unaware of this pyramid structure, its ruling class was always part of it.
Its first appearance, as we stated prior, took place in Atlantis, and expanded during the second half of the 6th millennia BC/BCE. It has been mainly responsible for the rise of the Pantheons and established itself on a solid ground with the rise of the monotheistic religions.
Its power began to be deconstructed after the beginning of the Renaissance, when the first archaeological findings became unearthed and the public started to gain awareness of how the world used to be. People started asking questions and science began to re-emerge in Europe.
Halfway through the Age of the Renaissance, a new branch, the Philosophic Masonry ascended on stage. Its role was to gain control of the development of reason among the population. By the late 1700s, the transition was almost complete.
Philosophic Guard
This part of the occult made its appearance as a supposed opposition to the Theosophists. Its area of activity revolved around financials, science, and industry/technology.
In 1668 AD/CE, the first Central Bank, otherwise known as the Riksbank was established in Sweden, followed by the Bank of England in 1694 AD/CE. Later, the infamous Rothschilds continued to establish more Private Central Banks throughout Europe and this reached the shores of the US on December 23rd, 1913.
More specifically, the initial Private Central Banks were:
Amschel Mayer Rothschild - Frankfurt
Salomon Mayer Rothschild - Vienna
Nathan Mayer Rothschild - London
Calmann Mayer Rothschild - Naples
James Mayer Rothschild - Paris
It would be later that the Rothschilds would also hijack science and more specifically, the pharmaceutical industry.
Here are a few more “achievements” of the Philosophical Masonic Guard. You can see them everywhere.
As you can guess from the above video, the Philosophic Guard mainly controls the political Left. Thus, the upcoming ‘change’ will shift the focus toward the Right.
The Shift of Guard back to the Theosophic
The entire transition is part of the Hegelian Dialectic, which in the political and psychological arena can be summarized as follows:
In the context of the Hegelian Dialectic, psychological warfare can be applied to various stages:
Thesis: Psychological warfare can be used to create or reinforce the initial position or policy on a particular issue. This may involve propaganda, disinformation, or other tactics designed to sway public opinion in favor of the thesis.
Antithesis: Opposing forces may use psychological warfare to challenge the thesis by discrediting it, presenting alternative perspectives, or creating doubt in the minds of the public. This can involve emotional manipulation, fearmongering, or the use of misinformation to undermine the credibility of the thesis.
Synthesis: In the final stage, psychological warfare may be employed to influence the resolution or compromise between the thesis and antithesis. This can involve framing the debate in a way that favors one side, or using emotional appeals to sway public opinion towards a particular outcome.
In summary, psychological warfare can be a powerful tool in the Hegelian Dialectic, used to shape public opinion and influence political outcomes.
Notice how the media is now reporting a “Shift to the Far-Right.”
This is not by coincidence, but by plan. What has been achieved for this transition was the complete ridicule of science, which was intentional, and the shift of the public opinion away from it. Granted, there is much that has been hidden from us, but this was the plan all along.
Now, take notice of the “People’s Leader”, Javier Miley in Argentina. After his latest tour in Israel, he openly stated for the destruction of the Al-Aqsa mosque, so that the Third Temple of Solomon to be built.
For those who may be unaware, the Third Temple of Solomon, in Judaism, means the trigger for the coming of the Jewish Messiah. What that entails is the ‘activation’ of the Book of Revelations, which we analyzed, and the ignition of World War 3.
Last, but not least, we have the Order of Jesuits coming forth and ‘revealing’ that the entire Messiah narrative is connected to… wait for it, aliens. Yes.
Wait, it gets better. According to Rabbi Laitman, Jews are aliens whose purpose is to rule the Earth.
As ridiculous as the above video sounds, just think about the claims for a moment. Then go on ahead and take a glance at Avi Loeb’s article about the Messiah being an Extraterrestrial. The guy is a respectable theoretical physicist, so when he’s coming out to say these things, something is up that we are not told. Perhaps one of the biggest False Flags in our human history?
What is also worthy to mention is the following:
Does this connect to the influx of illegals into the West? Short answer, yes. Another prerequisite for the coming of that Messiah, is for Europe and the US to fall to Islam.
What is also worthwhile to mention is that there has been a massive increase in the influx of Chinese illegals in the US of late. How do they connect to this shift in the occult and the New World Order? To get an idea, you might find a few answers here.
It would also appear that the recent death of Alexei Navalny may be part of the narrative to further escalate the groundwork for the planned World War 3. As a CIA/MI6 asset, Alexei was set to build notoriety for a narrative that did not include him taking power in Russia, but to be a catalyst for a bigger animosity between the East and the West.
I would dive deeper, but for the time being, I shall leave you to think things over.
Really good. Thank you.