The Head of the Snake
Before we look back to the stars, we might need to put our own house in order.
‘They print money out of nothing,’ we hear.
‘End the FED,’ we read.
How many of us truly understand how the banking works? Or that there was a much different version of it prior to the founding of the Private Central Banks?
"It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning." - Henry Ford
The above phrase was said during a time when people still had the capacity to react in a unified way. The artificial racial divisions, the mass illegal immigration, the political system, the foreign actors, have all but diminished that unity.
What was once a common goal for prosperity, transformed into a race of greed, self-entitlement, and eventually, complacency. People have started to wake up on this, but we are not in a “Great Awakening” as we read all over the place.
We are experiencing a “Controlled Awakening,” up to where we are ‘allowed.’
In the subtitle of this article, I very specifically mention ‘look back at the stars’, with ‘back’ being the operative word. No, we have not ‘fallen from grace’ when we first arrived. the Biblical allegory refers to an actual story. A story ‘borrowed’ by other historians prior to when the first versions of that literature were conceived.
Thus, if we are to ever aspire to return to our origins as a species, we first need to break through this multifaceted mega-construct we have been prisoners of war under. The biggest layer of the prison we live in is our own mind.
Once our minds begin to function once again in a healthy manner, then we may have a chance to dismantle our mega-prison. This is a task for younger generations, however. The older ones, the people who are truly awake, can only offer some direction, some guidance. It is why children and the youth have always been the target. Pedophilia is just one aspect of it. Granted, it is one of the most vile ones, but an aspect nonetheless. Once we become fully educated, as a whole, then these sick practices will cease to exist by default.
Education and Predisposition
“I grow forever learning,” Socrates said. This came from a time when new and substantiated ideas could shift entire belief systems. This was mainly due to the nature of the people of the time, in addition to the fact that Ancient Hellas/Greece was not in a ‘comfortable’ position, geographically. Thus, most of its population was always kept on its toes.
So, what changed?
For starters, it was the doctrines. Critical thinking was replaced by superstition. Today, we have people who try to be critical thinkers. However, most do that within the confines of the indoctrination they have been subjected to, as did the generations prior to them.
So, how do people who are part of a confined school of thought help educate a younger generation how to get out of it?
“It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.” - Aristotle.
When we understand that something will act to the benefit of the next generations, a healthy mind can transfer that information to the younger ones, and let them seek out their own answers.
“Why would someone teach a younger person something he/she himself/herself does not fully believe in?” one might ask.
I may have come from a direct family of educators, but something I learned from my time working at a historical research institution was:
“Information that breaks the foundations of narratives should be offered only to people between the ages of 18 to 25.”
I always pondered that, but then again, I was exposed to my first groundbreaking piece of information months before I reached 26 years old. Ever since, I lost count how much time I spent reading philosophy and psychology in order to understand the concept. Eventually, I did.
The Social ‘Understanding’
There is a reason that the 18th year of a person’s life is a milestone to his/her entry into adulthood. From the ages of 0 to 4, a young child is developing his/her core foundation as to what will become its future personality. The emotional development fine-tunes and becomes fully established between years 4 to 7. That last year is when logic begins to develop.
Between the years 7 to 18, the child learns to develop his/her logical and social skills. Thus, if any ground-breaking information is shared with that young person, it can disrupt his/her social skills. Unless the society that child is living in already has a predisposition of releasing that kind of knowledge as ‘normal.’ However, we are far from that reality.
On the other hand, what happens after the age of 25?
Most people finish their cycle of education, thus their minds become ‘preset’ for the lack of a better term. Many start or have started building their lives with a car, a job, circles of friends and co-workers, relationships. Then, they may get married, perhaps buy a home (a venture that is now on the verge of science fiction), have kids, and set a path through life. This creates two ‘zones’.
The Safety Zone, and
The Comfort Zone.
I will refer to this as ‘the familiar.’
These now grown people develop habits and routines that are defined by the way they were educated prior. Naturally, they will learn new things, but always under the umbrella of what they consider as ‘accepted.’
Ever wondered why all the ‘great’ disclosures are still under the umbrella of the commonly accepted doctrines? Think of the extraterrestrials for example. They are still ‘somehow’ connected to ‘older’ versions of the Bible or books that were initially not included in it.
Thus, when something belief-altering comes to light, there are those - of older ages - that will dismiss it outright and those who will be fascinated by it, initially.
This is where the Dunning-Kruger curve comes into effect. For all of us.
Those who are exposed to revelations swiftly move to the “Peak of ‘Mount Stupid’”. At that point, they believe they discovered something incredibly groundbreaking. Sometimes, they want to talk about it with the world. Many of us have been there. I’ve been there. However, most of the times, others take them for fools, so these people will start to look deeper in order to try and come back with more information.
At that point, they begin to slide down toward the “Valley of Despair” as the groundbreaking information is endangering their entire perception of the world. Since they were - more often than not - made fools out of, they look back at the lives they had prior, the ‘familiar’ and eventually decide to return to the safety and warmth of it.
This is what has been happening mainly in the Western World. It is what has generated the infamous description of ‘complacency.’
However, there are the exceptions to the rule.
There are older people out there who always felt that something is fundamentally wrong with the world, but couldn’t put their finger on it, and nothing available would offer a sufficient explanation. Those people I refer to as the ‘predisposed.’ They are as rare as they come, and that is due to the age of their souls, that have been trying to send warning signals through their instinct. I spoke of the nature of the soul here.
A second exception comes from the people who have not been able or allowed to create the ‘familiar’ or - more specifically - their ‘safety zone.’ They tend to be the ones to be constantly on the lookout on how to create that zone. However, unlike the predisposed, these people may have a harder time ascending toward the “Slope of Enlightenment” due to the survival demands of everyday life.
A third exception comes from the people whose connection to the indoctrination has always been in question. Some may still have a minor attachment to it, while others may have broken out of it. This type of people have a tendency to succumb to their vices and they rarely evolve past their version of the “Slope of Enlightenment.”
Thus, it is the role of the young and the way we can direct them, with what little knowledge we may acquire, so that they can evolve it and build a better future that we have - as we are witnessing - been unable to offer them.
It all begins with the dismantling of the current head of the snake:
The Financial System
Following the organized religions’ doctrine that created ignorance, superstition, and the overall nightmare of the Dark Ages, we are now enslaved by the Financial System. The doctrines are not gone, but they remain secondary to this new form of control.
Phrases like ‘End the Fed’ have gained traction the past several years. Concepts like ‘bring back the bartering system’ or ‘completely disconnect from technology’ echo throughout several social media. Approaches like that will certainly shoot us back into a new ‘Stone Age’ as they will not affect the enemies of the West. No matter how many guns are in the US, they will not be enough should we ever become attacked by swarms of AI-driven drones.
Thus, we have to be intelligent about how we approach this.
The Private Central Banks
While it is true that these banks do not belong to the public and that they print money out of thin air is true, it is not the only reason why they are detrimental to civilization. They started under a different form much earlier, something I will analyze further down this article.
First, allow me to speak of the two major points as to how the current financial system is bad for the people. It is where Henry Ford’s aforementioned quote comes into play.
The Income Tax
When the Private Central Banks were founded and the governments’ abilities to print their own money evaporated, the income tax was invented.
The reasoning behind it was to cover for the interest rates that the printing of new money came with. Interest?! So, how on Earth would the people of any nation be able to pay the entire amount back? Short answer, they couldn’t. Thus, new money printing would be required, which would be then again issued to the government as a loan.
Normally, this doesn’t make any sense, unless the interest, AKA income tax happens to target the people’s other valuables. Like possessions, land, resources. You see where I’m getting at.
However, the most insidious part of the Central Banks and then their subsidiary commercial banks was the:
Fractional Reserve Banking
This is the true slavery of the populace of our planet. Countries that resisted this oppression by the Private Central Banks faced dire consequences. A prime example was Germany in the early-to-mid 20th century. More recent examples are Syria, Libya, and - of course - Iran.
So, what is Fractional Reserve Banking?
Let’s say you go to the bank to get a loan for a house. When the bank approves the loan, it does not actually have the money to do so. Unlike the popular opinion, the bank doesn’t need to print money either. Remember, these are the commercial banks, not the Central ones.
So, how do they loan money they don’t have without even printing them?
This is where value comes in. And that value is your signature at the end of the loan contract. Those few letters are a legal guarantee that the money shall be returned either via payments or via collateral. The latter means - you guessed it - your property, as described within the contract.
Every commercial bank has been given a leeway to lend a specific ratio in comparison to its available liquidity, meaning actual cash. These ratios have changed through time. In some regions, the ratio is 1:10. In other countries, it can reach as high as 1:20. This means that the bank can lend 10 to 20 times more money than it actually has.
Also, from these loans, the 10% is considered as real money, where the remaining 90% is not. Definition-wise, that 90% is based on the ‘promise’ AKA the signature on the contract. Now, if you think how much you have to put in as a down deposit (20% or 30%), the bank gains actual money and loses nothing.
If the loan is - for example - for business purposes or to pay others, and the money from that loan goes into another bank account, the bank gains the capacity to print out of thin air 10 to 20 times that amount as well.
Here is a section of a video from 2007 that explains everything in a few minutes.
Now you get a more clear image per the inflation.
If loans go unpaid, the only thing the banks lose is a portion of their ratio. So, when they confiscate properties due to non-payments, they actually balance out that ratio, even with the lower prices.
Then again, they can easily ‘sell’ those loans to Hedge Funds for the same price, and they take over the debt collection process and eventually the property itself.
The same tactic applies to other kinds of loans, not just property. However, it’s the property titles that the financial operatives are more after.
Thus, this tactic mainly buys land, the real value, for nothing.
Money was never the goal. The target was always geo-economy. Land and resources. Always.
However, how did it all begin?
Did the banking system come out of nowhere or does it have a starting point?
There are several theories about this, but the mainstream focuses around the beginning of the Renaissance with the banking system of the Medici family. However, even this aspect has its own ancestry.
Think of the older Jewish ethno-religious doctrine. Especially the Talmud. As a text, it is much older than any attempts at banking. And since the Jewish population, of the earlier Turanian origin of Central Asia as we have described in this article, were forced to live in other countries as ‘guests’, they had to develop a covert government system that would allow them to flourish,
Hence came the term of:
State Within a State
Most people I have talked to are not exactly informed per to what this means. There are the examples of land that acts like a State within a State, like Washington DC, City of London, and the Vatican. However, there is another example.
Above, we spoke about the nature of the income tax. A way to pay off interest on the loans the government receives from the Private Central Banks. Who are the majority stakeholders and executives of those institutions? The Jewish elites. I am using the ethnic part of Judaism here, not necessarily the spiritual one. Part of it is for a Jew to never charge another Jew with interest.
I take it you are following, so far, yes?
Here, I shall bring a practical example from what I believe to be reliable information from people who worked in law enforcement and intelligence agencies in Greece.
In that country, there exists a Central Israeli Council. It’s a non-profit, non-government organization that is tax exempt. As far as my information goes, all Jewish people are registered as members, either they know it or not. This exempts them from having to pay income tax to the government itself. Thus, their law of a Jew not charging another Jew with interest (that is the nature of the income tax) is fulfilled.
Instead, the members pay the Council contributions or donations. In return, the Council funds the Jewish Non-Government Organizations, among other activities. The treasurers of the money accumulated, happen to be the Jewish elites. That’s in addition to the money they gain via the charging of interest rates via the commercial banking and the Central Banking system.
This is one of the most concealed definitions of State within a State.
It is highly probably, if not certain, that the same method applies to all Israeli Councils that are founded all over the world. In some cases, the Jewish population may pay a normal income tax, where the tax office deducts the ‘contribution’ I mentioned earlier, and returns the rest back to the payer. That deduction goes directly to the respective Council.
Recently, when it came to TikTok, there was a reference to ‘Jewish Federations across America.’ Does this mean there is a similar Council in the US? I would believe so. Below is a portion of an article of ‘Forward’, a Jewish media NGO.
You can find the full article here.
Is the average Jewish population aware of it? Maybe, maybe not, but it is what it is. Some Jews may be great people, but knowingly or not, they still fund these organizations and these types of operations that eventually work against the rest of us. And in the end, if we consider what China has in store for them, they are eventually funding their own destruction as well.
If there is something ‘Federations’ or Councils like that have in common, is a treasurer. A person or a group who will be capable of attaining enough financial strength to not only live lavishly, but also become wealthy enough, on behalf of the said Councils, to initiate the first banks.
Was the Medici family Jewish? No. However, it is a reasonable assumption that due to their intertwined history, as seen in the Jewish Virtual Library, the Medicis were used as the first front-people, or ‘useful goyim’ to prepare for the concept of banking, which was later taken over by the Rothschilds.
So, now you have an outlook of how the Head of the Snake came to be.
As centuries went past and the Central Banks came into effect, their real purpose was so groundbreaking at the time, that the people who were ‘allowed’ to be active citizens, namely men above their age of 40, could not comprehend or adapt their way of thinking to the information that they were fed at the time. Hence my reference to the ‘Social Understanding’ section of this article and the Dunning-Kruger effect.
Cutting the ‘Head of the Snake’
So, will ending the Private Central Banks solve the problem? Not without an erasure of all the debt that has been accumulated. Most nations are struggling to simply pay off the interest rates, let alone the capital itself, what the banks call ‘Principal.’
Some of you may have experienced the same trouble with simple student loans, no? Same principle.
The question is, will any political leader make such a daring step? I highly doubt it. In the US, Biden is a corpse of a frontman, while Trump is too tied into banking interests due to his real estate businesses.
However, there is a planned financial collapse ahead.
Remember, when the Federal Reserve came to be, the press mocked the population with the oxymoron term ‘Decentralized Central Bank.’ I mean… really?!
Does the ‘New Guard’ of this Hegelian Dialectic have to offer us something similar in the years to come?
One thing is certain, though. Before the collapse, the current financial system, meaning the bank notes, will have to be ‘translated’ into a viable currency, which generally translates to either geo-economics or resource-based assets. This is something we can expect.
Should a move like this come to pass, it will be to eventually ‘save’ the banking system under the guise of ‘saving the depositors.’ However, as we established earlier, it will not be to save the people, but to safeguard the elites of the new order. Not the ones that are placed on the sacrificial altar of today. Again, those are the ones who are fighting for their lives, because they stopped being useful.
To offer some further perspective:
There is not a single so-called billionaire in the world that has a massive personal account filled with cash that they alone own. When we hear the words ‘net worth’ it means the accumulation of assets, which most - if not all - of the time, are registered in untaxed Trusts or companies.
One of Greece’s elites, whom I shall not name, in the early 2000s declared a personal income of a mere €23,000 while his net worth was over €330 million.
The concept that exists in those circles is: ‘own nothing, control everything.’
And we, the people, are funding them.
So, will the claim of the Left for a redistribution of wealth work? No, it will not. That’s because it will centralize the control of the cash flow back to the same people who essentially control the government. This will create a Super-State, which will own everything and the people will essentially own nothing.
For those who had a glance at the infamous Agenda 2030, there was a clause in there that promised the forgiveness of all the debt in return to transfer all their private property to the State, which by that time would essentially be a private institution. The way things are going, that Agenda will never be implemented. Remember, in the article of Hegelian Dialectic, we established how this entire WEF operation has been part of the crisis, not the solution as they like to claim.
Again, this change of Guard that is taking place, will have to sacrifice its once useful idiots that are no longer useful. That’s the form of ‘rage’ we see today in the mainstream media. Their panic is real, not because they are the real perpetrators, but because their day has come and they know it. Again, it’s not because people have organically woken up because of the ‘Great Awakening,’ but because that information was intentionally fed to us for this change.
Our overlords need a clean slate and this is the biggest PsyOp in history that will allow the rest of them to survive. Some pawns in this ‘game’ have to be sacrificed.
Thus, how do we really cut the ‘Head of the Snake?’
I’d hate to say it, but Germany showed us the way in the 1930s. Tie the new currency with the value of labor. Outlaw usury. This will ensure a new era of economics that will build wonders.
And for goodness’ sake, remove all Western tech interests away from China and bring Russia into the Western World. This will sadden the war-mongers and the military industrial complex, but it will isolate the CCP and set the foundations of a long-lasting peace and prosperity. At that point, even the Chinese people will once again choose to join the liberty values of the West, just like they chose to do so when the ancient Aegis showed them and YHWH eventually went mad and murdered them.
There are ways to save our world, but the young must be educated and the old, please forgive my language, must get off their ‘arses’ and abandon the familiar for the sake of our civilization. Otherwise, World War 3 will be the least of our worries.
With all that being said…
Don’t take my word for it. In fact, take everything I said with a pinch of salt. Research everything. If not, then allow time to bring these things to light. Eventually, it will.
Unless something unforeseen and highly dramatic happens.
‘Like what?’ you may ask.
Well, that’s a topic for another time.
You are amazing with not only how you write, but with, WHAT, you write...And, I am relatively "old"...72...I understood much of what you wrote here, but I don't quite get how, "the older/elders, getting off their ‘arses’ and abandoning the familiar for the sake of our civilization", will achieve a better outcome in this situation, somehow? Could you perhaps elaborate? Thx