The Old Defenders of the West, and the Murder of Alexander the Great
Yes, the Chaldean Jewish Rabbis killed him
The resistance against Despotism
Time for some history, which - naturally - isn’t in the mainstream books.
Many of you are probably aware of the film “300” of the King of Sparta, Leonidas. This marked the first resistance of Hellas/Greece against Xerxes’ Persian Empire.
Mardochai and Esther
What you may not be aware is who started the entire ordeal. During the peak of the Persian civilization, there was a Chaldean Jew under the name of Mardochai, who wished to enter the royal court and exercise authority over the rich population of the nation.
As a weapon, he used Esther as a means to seduce Xerxes. His plan worked and soon Mardochai became the Prime Minister of that land. In Greece, we have the saying: Για το φόβο των Ιουδαίων, which literally translates to ‘for the fear of Jews’.
That’s because Mardochai gave a great deal of authority and immunity to the Jews of Persia to plunder the lands, unobstructed. Much like what happened to the US during the “Summer of Love” in 2020. No prosecutions, no punishment.
Once the lands were subjugated under Jewish command, Mardochai set his eyes toward the West. To that end, Esther acted as the catalyst to convince Xerxes to conquer the defiant Hellenes/Greeks. Hence, the grand-scale Hellenic-Persian wars begun. This historical information is verified.
The rise of Alexander
After three consequent wars, Hellas/Greece was all but in ruins. Worried about the future of his people, Philip the 2nd of the Hellenic Macedonia sent spies into the Persian Empire to keep him appraised in case of any military movements. The messengers returned with dire news.
The Persians were preparing for a 4th invasion against the West. Before being able to react, Philip was murdered and the mantle fell upon his son, Alexander. With Hellas/Greece ravaged and in disarray, Alexander could not unite the country by reason, so he chose to do so by force.
During his campaign, Alexander raised two cities to the ground that were ruled by Chaldean Jews: Thebes and Corinth.
However, he spared Laconia, the region of Sparta, due to their valiant contributions in warning Greece of the initial Persian assault.
This was the perfect time for Alexander to prove he is worthy of an Empire. Thus, he took the fight to the Persians.
Throughout his campaign, Alexander rebuilt or founded new cities where people could live free, which was the main reason as to why he did not have to dedicate big garrisons to hold them. The people saw him as a liberator, not an oppressor.
This, I was able to correlate with several Zoroastrian followers of today’s Iran.
Once Alexander finished his long campaign, the first thing he did was to pay his respects to the tomb of Darius, thankful he united the ‘long lost brother civilizations’ that were divided by usurpers and infiltrators.
Alexander’s assassination by the Chaldeans
Alexander was so impressed by the Persian people that he decided to make Babylon the capital of his new empire.
Many of you know Babylon as something bad. The only thing that Babylon did was rebel against the occupation of the Hyksos and Elamites, otherwise known as Jews, and destroyed the city of Zion in their struggle for freedom.
The news of Babylon being the capital of an Empire of free people did not sit well with the Chaldean Jews (the high rabbi priests). Consequently, they invited Alexander into a feast for discussions. Little did he know that his food was poisoned by the bacillus of typhoid fever, which resulted in Alexander dying of high fever a week later. So, yes, the Jews murdered Alexander the Great at the age of 33.
This too is verified via historical reference correlations (at the end of the article).
The Rabbis declare war on Hellenism
Later, during the reign of the Seleucids, the descendants of Alexander, many Jews abandoned Judaism to live under the freedom the Hellenic civilization provided them.
This is something the rabbis did not like. Thus, they incited violence, subversion, and even several assassination attempts against the regional governor, Antioch the Epiphanes. Despite Antioch’s warnings, the rabbis were relentless, which led to a retaliation. The Temple of Solomon was destroyed and a temple of Zeus was erected in its place.
This enraged the rabbis so much that they wrote down the ultimate hate speech in the Old Testament, Zachariah Theta 13-14:
“ΕΞΑΓΕΡΩ τα τέκνα σου, Σιών, επί τα τέκνα των Ελλήνων και ψηλαφήσω σε ως ρομφαίαν μαχητού. Και Κύριος ΕΣΤΑΙ επ' αυτούς και εξελεύσεται ως αστραπή βολίς, και Κύριος παντοκράτωρ υπερασπιεί αυτούς, και καταναλώσουσιν αυτούς, και καταχώσουσιν αυτούς εν λίθοις σφενδόνης και εκπιόνται αυτούς ως οίνον και πλήσουσιν ως φιάλας θυσιαστηρίων”
“I will raise your children, Zion, against the children of the Greeks and touch you as a warrior’s sword. And the Lord is cast upon them and evolves like lightning bolts, and the Lord Almighty defends them, and they will consume them, and they will trap them in sling stones and they will pour them out like wine and they will fill up like sacrificial bottles.”
In short, the Rabbis called for the complete and utter genocide of the Hellenes/Greeks. In a way, this came to pass. Since Hellas/Greece kept its attention to the East, the attack came from the West, via Rome.
The Jewish wish for the Hellenic destruction though, did not come to pass. The Romans became so enthralled by the values of the Hellenes/Greeks that they adopted their civilization.

This drove the rabbis even more mad. For the longest time they attempted to infiltrate the Roman world, and once they did, Rome became a centralized Empire.
After the Schism of 1,054 ACE/AD happened, the vast majority of the Hellenes/Greeks, or “Nationals” (Εθνικοι/Ethniki) as they were called, were all situated in the Eastern Roman Empire, AKA Byzantium.
During that time the word Hellenas/Greek were explicitly forbidden, bearing a sequence of three major punishments:
The denial of all civil rights,
The expropriation of the Greeks’ private property,

Byzantium started with an approximate population of 45 million and several Emperors ordered the systematic destruction of all the Hellenic/Greek heritage and temples. By the time the Ottomans reached outside to Constantinople, the population was reduced to 12 million.
Much obscurity lies in the transfer of populations toward the Pergamus area, deep in Asia Minor, near the location of the 2nd Great Library, equal to Alexandria’s, a place the Chaldean’s considered to be ‘unholy’. No one heard from these people again. By the year 1940, the Hellenes/Greeks were a mere 7.4 million.
This is why the Greeks ‘disappeared’.
It was the price paid for defending the Western Civilization. And up until recently, we were accused of being descendants of Turks. In fact, during the occupation, many people were forced out of their home land, until the fall of the Ottoman Empire and the population exchange with the reborn Hellas/Greece in 1923. Since then, Bolsheviks and Communists have been trying to strip us of our history, giving away our heroes, literature, and lands to populations that were irrelevant during the ages that these events took place. In the end, regardless of the endless sacrifices of the Hellenes/Greeks, the Rabbis now try to promote that they are the ones who gave birth to Western Civilization.
Once again, you can be the judge - and look up whatever you can find.
All I have is written in Greek.
There are a multitude of references and sources for the above. I will include some below:
The Book of Esther,
The Book of Daniel,
The book of Ezra.
All the above are from the original Translation of the Seventy (actually, 72 rabbis) of the Old Testament, and the analysis was done in an independent work by Panagiotis Bratsiotis. The reference of Xerxes is 'lost' in translation. More specifically, it's the Hebrew word Ahasweros, which is a transcript of the Persian word Ksayarsa (Xerxes, according to the Drandakis Encyclopedia). Iossipos' - intentionally - wrong translation in «Eccles. Sermones» remained in the books thereafter, to hide the relationship between Xerxes and Esther.
Further references are from:
Plutarch, on Alexander,
Diodoros Sikeliotis (ancient historian in Sicily)
Stravon (ancient geographer, historian),
Lucius Flavius Arrianus,
Pantelis Tsaousoglou (Book: "Alexander, who poisoned him?"),
Isaiah (Ησαΐας, 13.19-22) and the Book of Psalms (Β.Β. Ψαλμός 136/137),
Hammurabi ("Before Moses"),
And last, but not least, some spectacular work from Mihalis Kalopoulos.
The Esther parameter
Since I have encountered some questions in regards to Esther being real, I believe it is prudent to grant her some space here as well, thus to dissolve all doubts.
When the Jews left Egypt the first time, there was unrest in their ranks. Their leaders, and specifically the rabbis had a tough time keeping the order, which was often done via fear.
This generated the need to write everything down, in order to instill their traditions to their people. Especially if anyone made significant achievements, the rabbis wanted the people to know, in order to raise morale. Esther was such a character.
To inspire the Jews that they can once again rise to power, just as they did in Egypt many years prior. Hence the three Books (Ezra, Esther, Daniel). All three had references that coincided.
Around 280 BC/BCE, 200 years after the Battle of Thermopylae, King Ptolemy of Egypt wished to gather all books and transcripts, including the ones from the Jews, to examine if there was any truth in them.
As such, he made offerings to the high priest named Eleazar, which allowed Ptolemy to gain access to the transcripts. He also requested bilingual Jews, 6 from each clan, to perform these translations.
Ptolemy isolated these scholars so that they could not cooperate amongst themselves, so that he could verify the validity of the translations. Essentially, each Book did not have a single translation.
This endeavor, also known as the Septuagint Translation, included all the books that comprised the Old Testament by that time.
Did Ptolemy read everything? Did he make the connections? We do not know.
However, let’s take a dive in.
The Book of Esther was written between 460 BC/BCE and 350 BC/BCE.
Logic would have it being written closer to 440 BC/BCE and 420 BC/BCE, as Xerxes The First ascended to power in 485 BC/BCE at the age of 35. Esther soon became his second wife. Note that the battle of Thermopylae took place 5 years later.
The way Mardochai introduced Esther to Xerxes was via fabricated ‘threats against the King’s life’, where naive interlocutors took the blame. As such, both him send and Esther started gaining the King’s trust. There are more details on this in the books. As mentioned earlier, references in Esther’s book also coincide with Ezra’s, who was - at the time - a local governor in Persia and a high priest.
The Book of Daniel, on the other hand, is said to have borrowed information from the Book of Esther. This was debated in the works of E.Bayer and C.C.Torrey. Bayer suspected that at least one name in Esther’s book was fictional, which is what triggered the review of several other names and the actual naming I posted in the original piece.
For convenience, I shall expand on it further down.
It is also noteworthy to mention that the Deuteronomy, or a version of it, was discovered in a temple in Persia, which initiated the debate of ‘raising Yahweh to the status of a global god’, since by that time the rabbi priests treated him as a regional one, only to be worshipped in Judea.
All of the above were translated in 280 BC/BCE and comprised the original texts of the Old Testament. They were then stored within the Library of Alexandria and the Royal Library of Ptolemy. Thus, not all of them were in one place.
The first fire that destroyed a portion of the Library of Alexandria took place in 47 BC/BCE, and it - somehow - reached the Royal Palace. Let us go a bit later in our timeline.
Iosipos or Flavius Josephus was born in 37 AD/ACE. History depicts him as the very first to speak and write the Chronicles of Christ (!), and as one who had access to the Book of Esther. This means that the book itself survived. It is also said that he re-compiled the entire history of the Jewish people, finishing it sometime between 93 AD/ACE and 94 AD/ACE.
This is another part that raises questions, as - essentially - it appears that he was the one to ‘assemble’ the New Testament. As promised above, here is the reference of the naming issue: Pan. I. Bratsiotis, the regular professor of the interpretation of the Old Testament and former director of the magazine of the Holy Synod "Holy League", writes:
"Ahasuerus: This name corresponds first of all to the Hebrew Old Testament, in the books of Esther (1.1), Daniel (9.1) and 2 Ezra (4.6), and in the Septuagint translation (O, Daniel, 9.1 and 2 Ezra, 4.6), it is rendered as Assur. However, according to the latest research, especially after reading the Persian inscriptions (apparently referring to the findings of the excavations in Susa), it became clear that it is about the king of the Persians Xerxes The First (486-565 BC/BCE), who is mostly called Xiagarsia(s). This name, by mispronunciation, became Ahasuerus. The same thing happens in the book of Esther, where the Persian monarch who takes Esther as his wife is also called Ahasuerus and in the translation of ‘O’ it is rendered as Artaxerxes. However, it turned out not being him, but a re-reference to Xerxes The First, in history of which the content of the book of Esther is perfectly adapted according to the latest archaeological and historical research.”
(Mention: “Αχασβερός” in the Drandakis Encyclopedia)
Feel free to research all of it. However, knowledge of some Greek will prove extremely handy to cross-reference everything.