Since I am approaching the kind of posts and disclosures that will pull a lot of people far outside their comfort zones, and perhaps spiritual beliefs, I will take this time to offer an anchor and a meaning to the human soul.One that was ‘in effect’ for millennia prior to what we were ‘taught’ during the Dark Ages.
Ancient References on the Soul
There are many ancient writers who speak of the soul and its nature. From the Native Americans, all the way to the Chinese and the Japanese. Every culture had its story and the different names, but - in the general sense - most were in agreement.
In this post, I shall use as my platform the works of Plato in Phaedro's (Φαίδρος) and the work of Aristotle, Regarding The Soul (Περί Ψυχής). Beyond that, I will add some scientific findings from a variety of researchers I have come across throughout the years.
For those who believe that the soul has been only a spiritual/religious matter, well… it’s not. There is science behind it.
Eros and Psyche
Many of you may have heard of the Hellenic/Greek myth of Eros and Psyche. Eros is said to be one of the primordial entities of the universe, AKA love. Psyche, on the other hand, is a more complex ‘character’.
According to Plato, Psyche is one of the two major parts of the human soul, that resides within the sternum of the human body. Thus, it is responsible for all the feelings we experience. Believe it or not, our conscious mind still has a direct connection to that part of our soul. It’s called instinct.
If you read my previous post about our damaged DNA (currently at 2% activity), we once were capable of full communication with our Psyche.
However, this bidirectional channel has been disrupted and we can only receive warnings. The true empaths, who can detect energies, simply have that link a bit less… damaged.
Aside from the emotions, Psyche is also the ‘power generator’ of our soul. When we feel empowered and inspired, we tend to have this ‘developing heat’ within our chest.
This is no accident and I will explain it further later in this post.
Psyche is considered to be the ‘feminine’ nurturer of our soul. The energy source that connects our very being to its birth star.
The Mind
Psyche is one of the two major parts of the soul. So, what is the other one?
Noas (nothing to do with Noah) or Nous also known in the English language as Mind. It is the energy form that is hosted within out brain and is recording everything we learn through life. Actually, it records all the lives we experience in the physical, or not, realm.
You may have heard, from various occult sources, that there are ‘species’ out there that remember all their lifetimes. Their teachings aside, that part is true.
During the Ages when our DNA was not as damaged as it is today, there were specific strands that allowed a bidirectional transfer of information between our Mind and our Brain. In its nature, Noas is the holder of memory, of reason, of understanding. It is the protector of the Psyche as much as the Psyche is the Noas’ source of energy and power.
In a sense, the complete composition of a soul is like an ideal marriage between a man and a woman in the physical realm. The roles of nature remain the same, even in the energy level, which offers us a glimpse of the fractal mathematical approach of the cosmos.
You can find such references in the book of Michael Talbot, Holographic Universe.
Note that I am not saying that our universe is a literal hologram per its perception, just that the scientific correlation between the sciences of neurology and astronomy do tend to bring us to the singular conclusion: we are a miniature ‘copy’ of the whole.
As Heraclitus first said:
“From all things one, and from one, all things.”
The occultists, like the Illuminati took part of that saying in its Latin form, saying “E Pluribus, Unum” (from all things, one). They failed to include the second part.
At this point, I can already ‘hear the echoes’ of doubt or the concerns of question or even a bit of baffling. You are very correct to think so. However, bear with me for a moment as I move forward.
The Tether
The last ‘component’ of our soul is the tether. The link between the Psyche and the Noas. You could say that this tether is ‘the marriage bond’ between the masculine and the feminine energy within us. Nothing to do with chromosomes, mind you. It is just the nature of the cosmos that also exists within us.
Some of you may have heard of the term ‘astral projection’. During that process, it is the Noas that exits the body and travels through the world (and sometimes, beyond), always tethered to the Psyche. The occultists describe the tether as ‘the silver cord’. Once that tether is cut or if the Noas encounters an entity powerful enough, the Psyche can be pulled out of the physical body. This results either in a coma or the death of the body itself.
It is said that depending on the age and strength of one’s soul, the tether can be extended into almost infinity. This is another fractal mathematics approach with which I will not burden your thoughts.
The Science Behind the Soul
Some of you may be aware of the experiment that was done with the weight of the body at the moment of death. If memory serves me well, there was a recording that after death, the body lost approximately 23 grams of mass. This may or may not be true, as can we really put a weight on energy?
What is widely known is that our bodies function through electricity. A quick search online will tell you the range of voltage within which our cells are healthy. Lower voltage means disease and the closer we get to zero, that’s where the cancer develops. There is a reason that our body is more than 2/3rds made of water. It is the optimal conductor for an organic body. Feel free to look this up.
However, let us enter a deeper realm here. The one of matter density. Many of you may have heard that we are all energy. Well, that is partially true. The difference between pure energy and matter is the distance between the atoms or, in simpler terms, the individual elements.
This is what we call stages or categories of matter density. These levels of density are what separate the physical matter, the liquids, the air, the energy itself and beyond. In a sense, this can be a form of ‘dimension’, which has nothing to do with an extra parameter beyond the width, height, and depth (or the X, Y, and Z axes). It is a different kind of approach.
For the sake of convenience, let us ‘define’ our current physical existence as the ‘level one density’ of matter. If our atoms were to increase their distance by 10 in the 6th power, we would be entering the ‘level two’ of matter density. Another increase by the same number would take us to level three and so on. Before we… short-circuit, allow me to offer an example.
Energy, such as electricity is categorized as level two. Same as fire. Although neither have any perceived mass, they do affect us. It is said that a level of matter density can affect the one below it, mainly via a ‘technological’ approach, though that term can be rather vague.
However, this gives you an idea of how special humanity is. Essentially, we function within two levels of matter density. The physical and the energy. In short, our bodies are developed enough in the cycle of evolution to be hosts of the immortal soul.
So, how do we prove the existence of a soul? It is actually simpler than it sounds. Stand before a spectrograph and record the energies that are scanned via its imagery. What you will discover is that we form a sort of ‘magnetic’ field similar to the one our very planet emits. And yes, there are such devices available and have been for a long time. We mainly tend to turn them towards space instead of down here.
The actual design these spectrographs will create is what many refer to as aura. That is the recorded energy flow of our bodies, as emitted by our own souls.
Why can’t we see it via the naked eye? You may ask.
When the distances between the atoms are that extensive, the photons tend to cross right through them. Hence, they do not deflect back to our optical nerve to offer us a precise image. In short, photons are the main reason of our ability to see. The distances between the atoms in a physical object are much smaller than the size of a photon. As such, the photons are deflected and reach our eyes, forming the images within our optical nerve.
Here is another example:
Have you ever driven along a straight road during Summer when the heat is high? If yes, have you observed the illusion of a distorting distance as a result of that heat? That’s the result of rapidly fluctuating atoms of energy randomly hitting the photons that ‘return’ to our optical nerves, creating some form of unstable illusion. Similarly, if we use a wide-scatter beam on ourselves, we will easily see our aura field, and therefore the extension energy of our own soul.
he vast majority of us just hasn’t tried this method yet. Thus, believe it or not, the soul is very much real. And that is scientifically speaking, not spiritually or religiously.
The Religious Approach
Of course, I cannot just mention the nature of a soul without speaking about the religious aspect. Especially when it comes to the famous exorcisms.
One thing I can say, without currently expanding much further - intentionally, is that our world is packed with dark entities. In religion, they call those demons. I personally know their origins, but I will not disclose them just yet. However, those spirits are real.
In a similar category you will encounter the so-called ghosts that tend to haunt places. In essence, those are souls of deceased people who have been far too much attached to specific areas or were unwilling to ‘follow the light’.
For the record, my advice, never follow the light. You will see the why, further below.
These dark spirits, demons if you like, tend to ‘have fun’ when they encounter weak or rather young souls. In essence, they are energy entities of the same matter density stage that ‘push aside’ the soul and take over. However, if you are strong and determined in your cause or purpose, those entities can easily be thwarted. Thus, as the mainstream goes, try not to be a so-called ‘beta’. You don’t have to be an ‘alpha’, just be confident in your skin.
As curious as it may sound, watch the Japanese animation film “Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within”. It will give you invaluable insight in regards to the spirits and how the invading energies work. In short, be comfortable in your own skin. Something that the current global regime is trying to rip off of you.
Don’t be quick to dismiss what I mentioned in this extensive post. Yes, the nature of the soul is written by Plato and Aristotle. The scientific aspect is a bit more complicated and it’s something that you need to use your critical thinking on.
If you have access to a recording spectrograph, you will have your proof. The soul is indeed immortal and can only be destroyed by entering a black hole. Or so my information says. I haven’t personally tried it, but if I had a spaceship, I think I would be crazy enough to try.
I understand this may sound way too out there for you or perhaps a bit too advanced. But it’s there. If you take the time to research it a bit, you will find some decent answers, though not all of them. After all, I did say that when I advance this pillar of knowledge, the references would become more scarce, no?
Thus, I leave the conclusions and thoughts up to you, because I am naive enough to still have some trust and faith in humanity. Once we move through this ‘chapter’ I can move forward to deciphering the real nature of the Matrix that we are living under. The Matrix that has been plaguing our existence for the past 11,000 years.
Why Never Follow the Light?
This addendum came after a comment/question regarding the “following the light” and “where the souls come from.”
Here is my response:
When we pass on, we are essentially entering a phase very similar to the astral projection. We just do not have the capacity or the knowledge (or vocal cords) to speak to physical beings. In that phase, the world around us does not cease to exist. It is still there. What is different is that we can directly see what our physical eyes could not and we have the capacity to move in a vastly different way than we once did.
At this point, let us touch the subject of religion and Hesiod's warnings. Religions speak that there is a battle for our soul. That part is quite literal. Then, we have Hesiod who spoke of our era as the darkest one. This is where critical thinking is needed.
When our universe is so expansive and vast, why focus on a light that is essentially so close to the surface of a single planet? A planet with 8 billion souls nonetheless.
It personally reminds me the zapper light people use to attract and zap night bugs. I don't mean that our souls will get zapped, but for me, it is suspect.
There are too many traditions, religions, and legends that speak of 'soul harvesting' throughout much of our history. Thus, yes, I would suspect bad actors, as there are other souls out there, some of which aren't exactly... filled with kindness. That's what religion refers to as demonic spirits. With that in mind, I would consider the 'light' that tends to attract souls as a lure.
Per the origins of those dark beings, first I would need cover another chapter before addressing them. In short, you can consider them fallen ones from battles prior. Being a soul is essentially part of our evolutionary process, not a simple wisp that floats aimlessly.
So, let's say we avoid the light, what then?
There are two options.
One, when people become too attached to their loved ones or the land, they tend to stay behind. Some of the 'hauntings' are done that way. Another option is to leave Earth via our solar system's exit, the northern pole.
There are a variety of healing places throughout our universe and the closest one is merely 9 light years away. The ancients called it "The Elysian Fields" and Aristotle describes it as a place that can 'cleanse the darkness and the pain'.

Something to keep in mind is that the speed of light is not a limiter for the soul's stage of existence. I'm attaching the location and image of the Elysian Fields here.
To all of this, as I mentioned earlier, use your critical thinking as this is an extremely deep and obscured subject.