Amazing analysis on the older texts we have read time and again, but I was never able to grasp the full details of the matter since it requires a combined reading of many sources, old and new, and a refreshment of the original texts by OEA.

We thank you for putting your assembly of info forth and I too am optimistic of the good scenario!

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Thank you for taking the time and for your words of support. I truly appreciate it.

I also don't blame you for having difficulties in grasping the original texts. Especially with the information warfare that was taking place at the time. I had to examine some of these areas several times and then seek out the mentioned historical references before I was able to put the entire picture together. Especially when it came down to the timelines.

I initially had my doubts, but the more I was digging, the more data coalesced and started to paint the big picture. I ran the mathematical process of termination on several of the theories I encountered from time to time, and this approach is the one I cannot poke holes into. Hence, I went forth to try and vet as much as I could, in the degree that I could. With everything going on, I couldn't stay idle while the world around us burns.

With the information currently available to us, I dare say the image we have on the outside world is decent. As for the scenarios, I do hope for the best as well. Though, I do have the feeling the conclusion will be a good one and that the worst scenario will not come to pass.

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Awesome to see your perspective on what is happening nowadays. 😃

I think that there is some merit with frequencies.

Even though I see and read all the bad and nonsensical stuff that is happening around our world and when I see my father who says that this won't bode well for the world in general, I simply don't worry too much about it. It's like a part of me saying that everything will be okay regardless of the trouble and problems we might witness in the future.

Either I have gone crazy or numb from all of it. Or I already sense my/our future.

As with everything, time will tell 😁

Thx for your writing and your insights on all of this.

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Thank you so much for taking the time to read it.

No, you have gone neither crazy nor numb. It is a natural reaction of good people who witness this type of entropy around them. Especially for those who have reached a certain level of understanding beyond the point of being simply awake. During that phase, the calmness also allows a better sync with what little contact we have with our soul: the instinct. Always trust it, no matter what. And when we do so beyond the world's influences and programming, the more we become in sync with who we really are. It's not something we can put into words, but it's there.

Thus, what you are feeling is absolutely natural. I too have been at that point long before the plandemic hit. It took a huge and long debate with myself before I decided to put this information up. What I eventually decided was to make the effort to translate and bring material forth that would otherwise never make it in these parts of the world. From there on, it's up to the people to evaluate and decide.

And you are correct. Things will be all right, one way or another. Especially over the last month, I've been having an eerie calmness about how things will conclude.

Thank you again. 😊

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Great bit of research and an enjoyable read... With a bit of AI, Google LM and perhaps Synthesia and Invideo AI, you could convert this into a fantastic YT video and reach a much bigger audience.

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Thank you for taking the time and your kind words.

I started this SubStack as a form of public service, to offer what I learned, free of charge. As such, available time is somewhat of a luxury I can hardly afford. Additionally, since I am already quite ghost-banned on X, YT will come down really hard on this type of material. There were others, in the past, who tried to put up videos that covered aspects of what this SubStack is about, and they got taken down. This is not exactly... approved material. 😉

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While I did enjoy the reading and I thank you for it, there are some caveats that just don’t make any sense…

If the Commonwealth knows anyone at individual level, we can reasonably believe they read your article. If so, the Draconians plan is meant to fail before it starts, right?

I mean the Commonwealth should already know their plan to break the blockade, right?

Second, why did they tolerate the Draconians for millennia until now?

Third, why the Commonwealth needs time to prepare if they are so much more advanced technologically than the Draconians?

Fourth, why there was a need to imprison the Draconians in our solar system? Why they didn’t do what you’re saying they’re going to do to the Draconians and us from the very beginning?

Fifth, why did they allow Draconians to reset humanity three times?

Sixth, since the Commonwealth is so much more technologically advanced than Draconians, how could we ever be, us as humans, a means to create a diversion?

Seventh, the Draconians being a much, much, older civilisation than us, with all their technology and knowledge, you’re telling me this is their best plan for humanity? It’s kind of stupid and childish if you ask me.

Given the fact that they’re here for millennia, how come they didn’t indoctrinate humanity like north Koreans do? Or something along these lines ?

Why allow human population to grow so that it needs culling and indoctrination, now when we are a lot more intelligent than, let’s say 3000 years ago?

Eighth, how come the Commonwealth needs years to prepare if they have such incredible technology? Especially given the fact that they are present all the way through the 9th dimension??? They should be able to travel instantaneously anywhere in the Universe.

I’m sorry but your story is either missing some other very important facts, or is propaganda, or a mix of both.

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1. Yes, they do. Though it is not just the knowing, but the route that will be followed. Will the Draconian fleets use the normal south exit? Or do they have developed a shielding technology to prevent a shutdown that will occur when they cross the Hyper-Solar System barrier on a different direction? I do not have the answers to that. So, no, the Draconian plan is not meant to fail before it starts.

2. They didn’t. When the government left, they separated their forces in three sections. The first one set the First Barrier at the command center of Uranus. The second found refuge within our hollow Earth, effectively ‘sealing’ access through the poles. The third was sent out to call for reinforcements. By mid 1800s, the first large groups of vessels began to arrive in our solar system, hence the accelerations of our industrial revolutions.

3. How easy is it to recover from a war that ravaged 1/3rd of our galaxy? We are not the only hotspot, and we should not consider ourselves privileged for prime attention. Strategically speaking, once an enemy is trapped, you keep them trapped until you are ready to deal with them. This means going after other enemies that roam free from doing further damage. Especially to systems that still have strong logistics. Our system lost its shipyards.

4. They did and it almost destroyed the Earth during the Gigantomachy that crushed our planet’s crust and caused the submerging of Atlantis and Aegis. Had they stayed to continue the war at that stage, we wouldn’t be having the conversation today. Thus, the Commonwealth was forced to retreat so as our planet would not be destroyed.

5. Because they were not here. After the first ‘reset’ in 9,650 BCE and the departure of the Commonwealth forces, the Draconians did as they pleased.

6. We only need to delay the Commonwealth fleet long enough, whether by true encounters or by deception. We are not meant to actually provide any meaningful resistance.

7. No, it is how a species that hungers for power considers every other species they come across with. We are expendable. Their real target is the hyper-densities of the Sirius-B solar system, which is said to be a galactic ‘nerve center.’

On the North Korea part, here is where anthropology comes in handy, along with the characteristics of each culture. If you believe we have not been indoctrinated, you may need to take another look at history. Not all cultures respond the same way to a North Korea style regime. It was tried, it didn’t go so well.

Are we truly more intelligent nowadays? The entire West is being dumbed down severely. The entire education system is basically being dismantled. How is that making us more intelligent? Also, have you checked the demographics to see which places in the world are increasing in population? I’d recommend the film-turned-documentary called Idiocracy.

8. Galactic War and multiple mop-up operations. Our solar system is just one small region. Also, just because a vessel is, let’s say, 6th dimension, it does not mean it can have a direct effect on the 3rd or the 4th. A collaboration between multiple dimensional levels is requited to sync a conflict in a solar system that is severely damaged. Dimensions of matter/energy density are not interchangeable as some like to claim.

Final note:

This Draconian Coalition we have here is just one small part of the rebellion. It is not the full rebellion. Per the information on this approach, I have written more articles that present even more information. A repetition of everything would have been redundant.

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Hi Vasileios,

all this sounds fine but the timing.

Why so much time for negotiations ?

And yeah, the draconians tricked the WC, this remember me Putin tricked by the west...

Are the WC so dumb to need more than 20 years to get it ?

I don't want to be offensive, but all this seems to me a replica of the theatre between the west and the BRICS.

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Hey Marco,

It would have been nice if space travel of armadas was like Star Wars or Star Trek. A simple 'Engage' order would have brought them on our doorstep.

These are the finer details, some of which I have not developed extensively, other than merely mention them. I noticed that the more scientific approaches I take, the more I make people dizzy.

The questions you make are questions I made. Eventually, when I looked deeper into it, I found 4 answers and the majority of them have to do with the damaged stability of our Solar System's gravitational field. When I was studying astronomy at school, back in the early 90s, Pluto was supposed to be quite further out than Neptune. Lately, it turns out their orbits actually intersect, which is not good.

So, I checked the calculations via the Titius-Bode Law of Planetary Orbits. Pluto is supposed to be at least 77 AU (Astral Units) from our Sun, but it is only 39 AU. Normally, it should have been larger. Similar for Neptune. In short, the planets are spiraling in towards our star.

First answer:

Now, the time Saturn requires for a full revolution around our Sun is approximately 29.5 Earth years. It is why it took the armada of war-planets, mini Dyson Spheres in nature, to surround the inner Solar System at the range of that planet, a total of ~20 years. At the same time, the Draconian fleet gathered at the range of Jupiter. So, all moves were not unobstructed. This brings us to 2001.

Second answer:

Again, while studying at school, we were told that the thickness of the Earth's crust was approximately 168km. It turns out it's 25-40km on the continental plates, while at the depths of the oceans, it's as thin as 5km. Meanwhile, there is an unspecified number of deep bore-holes dug into the Earth's crust, in Asia, after the 12km-deep Kola of Russia, said to host nuclear warheads. The latest one is in China, which reached 10km deep during March of 2024. Information claims that there have been threats of breaking the crust, which would result in a catastrophic chain reaction for the planet, as it is not a solid ball. The crust surrounds a layer of magma both on the outside and the inside of the planet. The loss of a third planet would basically end the gravitational stability of the Solar System.

Third answer:

World War 3 was thwarted several times now, with the latest being during the late 2000s. This was considered as an act of good faith by the CW, which agreed to initiate the negotiations. Meanwhile, they established the surveillance system on the analog, the digital, and the psionic levels on our planet, to verify the true intentions of the ruling classes down here. Once the true intentions were clarified, the warning shots on our Sun started, including some of the Drac ships mysteriously falling into Jupiter.

Fourth answer:

About 3 years ago, new information came out, which I cannot verify, that the home world of the Draconian species was rebuilt. A new planet, to reinforce the negotiations on behalf of the CW side. Meanwhile, more and more vessels continued joining the armadas within our Solar System and there have been reports of several 'giant objects' approaching. This says that the CW has been waiting for even more reinforcements.

Thus, if we take all the above into account, including the fact that velocities on an interplanetary scale differ from the interstellar (higher) and the intergalactic (even higher) levels, these ~23 years is not a long time. Especially when these moves include objects that can tear planets apart just by being close to them. What is happening within our Solar System is a massive operation to take out a vile enemy and not destroy the system in the process.

Now, there might be a lot more to the story that we are unaware of, but that is the general idea that has come to my attention. I hope it offers some clarity.

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Hi Vasileios.

Travels between galaxies take time, I agree.

You said that the life span of the WC's people is way longer than ours, this can explain something.

Surely they have a good patience, and get good mission compensations, I hope.

But if they are mostly humans it is very puzzling this kind of persistence. Lest those who stayed around since thousands of years.

I don't know. The only merit of this picture is to explain the apparent elites' craziness.

Time will tell...

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Hey Marco,

The toughest parts to navigate through, when moving massive vessels, and a great number of them, is the interplanetary space, within a Solar System. The reason is that the gravitational interactions can easily throw planets off-course. As such, they to ‘levitate’ off our Solar System’s flat plane and then settle in the respective orbits, after the planet has already traversed that space. Hence the time it took of the closer perimeter to become established.

As for humanity, yes, it used to have a much greater lifespan compared to what it does today, with all the poisoning (radiation and chemical). Also, it is noteworthy to mention that the closer we live to dense cosmic fields, AKA gravitational wells, the faster the energy is consumed, and thus the faster ‘time’ passes. This might sound confusing when we think of black holes and how time slows down when we hit the event horizon. That’s because these celestial objects have a shell, where the light remains ‘in orbit’ instead of being fully absorbed like a siphon. But that’s a long subject.

The average lifespan of pre-poisoned humanity, on Earth, is extrapolated to be between 2,076 to 3,780 years. Thus, the further we are from dense cosmic centers, the larger that number becomes. The closer we are, the shorter it becomes.

The aspect of the ‘elites’ is an entirely different chapter. That is a bloodline infatuation, which is connected to the traditions of the ancient Dynasties and, later, the Monarchies. In short, it’s based on the Feudalistic way of thinking. So, it’s a generational approach, rather than a patience one for them. Think of it in terms of ‘Game of Thrones’ and the ‘Houses of Dune.’ It is one of the reasons these people consider themselves ‘blue-blooded’ instead of ‘red-blooded’ like the rest of us. They consider their bloodline to be… special.

And you are right. Time will tell.

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